Cloth Diapering

GCDH is killing me.

I'm doing the Great Cloth Diaper Hunt. 

I want to buy soooo much fluff because of this! I keep seeing things I want.

Mission accomplished, people! Hmph! 


Re: GCDH is killing me.

  • I know. So much good stuff.

     On another note, how are you doing on the hunt?  I have 2 extremes left and I'll be done but I'm frustrated with both of them. I've been stuck on these last ones for 3 days now.  The sponsors aren't giving much help and the icons are hidden deeply.

    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
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  • imageMrs.B6302007:

    I know. So much good stuff.

     On another note, how are you doing on the hunt?  I have 2 extremes left and I'll be done but I'm frustrated with both of them. I've been stuck on these last ones for 3 days now.  The sponsors aren't giving much help and the icons are hidden deeply.

    Eh, I only have a few. I haven't been spending much time on it at all honestly. I just don't have the time to do it. :( 

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  • I know, it's sooooo dangerous. I find so many things I am bookmarking.


    I only have about 4 more extremes to go. I actually found some of the more difficult ones. 


  • I have already ordered from one sponsor, so I hear ya!

    I only have one more to go: Cute Caboose and the stupid word scramble!

  • imageSam78:

    I have already ordered from one sponsor, so I hear ya!

    I only have one more to go: Cute Caboose and the stupid word scramble!

    I'm hating that one!


    I have that one, sbish (which is killing me) and Pinstripes and Polkadots (which I know I almost have, but can't figure out what's wrong.)


  • imageQuizzle:

    I have already ordered from one sponsor, so I hear ya!

    I only have one more to go: Cute Caboose and the stupid word scramble!

    I'm hating that one!


    I have that one, sbish (which is killing me) and Pinstripes and Polkadots (which I know I almost have, but can't figure out what's wrong.)

    I don't remember sbish being difficult, but the tab key might have been key with that one.  Read the last clue for P&PD very carefully and really think about what it means, at some point it will click!

  • I remember with P&PD I am pretty sure I have the right product with the clue, but can't seem to get out of the showroom. Gah. I haven't looked at it in a couple of days, and I'm probably too antihistamine-addled to try thinking hard now.

  • imageSam78:

    I have already ordered from one sponsor, so I hear ya!

    I only have one more to go: Cute Caboose and the stupid word scramble!

    I'm hating that one!


    I have that one, sbish (which is killing me) and Pinstripes and Polkadots (which I know I almost have, but can't figure out what's wrong.)

    I don't remember sbish being difficult, but the tab key might have been key with that one.  Read the last clue for P&PD very carefully and really think about what it means, at some point it will click!

    OMG. The tab key!!! I've wasted so much time mousing over things.  ugh!

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • I have bookmarked so many things!!

    I finally finished all of the extremes.  I started with those though so I still have a long way to go, but it will go much faster now.

  • imageQuizzle:
    I remember with P&PD I am pretty sure I have the right product with the clue, but can't seem to get out of the showroom. Gah. I haven't looked at it in a couple of days, and I'm probably too antihistamine-addled to try thinking hard now.

    Not sure if I'm reading this correctly or not, but you don't have to leave the showroom.  It will be in the popup page just like the other clues.

  • imageash.flea:

    I have bookmarked so many things!!

    I finally finished all of the extremes.  I started with those though so I still have a long way to go, but it will go much faster now.

    A couple of the regular ones are tough, too!

    I had to employ my ninja skills on a couple of the extremes, though, ha!


  • imageash.flea:

    I remember with P&PD I am pretty sure I have the right product with the clue, but can't seem to get out of the showroom. Gah. I haven't looked at it in a couple of days, and I'm probably too antihistamine-addled to try thinking hard now.

    Not sure if I'm reading this correctly or not, but you don't have to leave the showroom.  It will be in the popup page just like the other clues.

    Yes, the key is to mouse over the right spot though, that's where careful reading of the clue comes in.  Who knows, maybe a drugged state would help Wink

  • I definitely have a lot of gifts in mind for my pregnant sister in law!  I have 2 left on the extreme hunt, both are making me insane!! P&PD I can't figure out for the life of me, I can't even get to the showroom!  And squishylicious is driving me crazy, I randomly found the last clue and now I'm hopelessly stuck.  grrr. spending way too much time on this!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • imageked77:

    I have already ordered from one sponsor, so I hear ya!

    I only have one more to go: Cute Caboose and the stupid word scramble!

    I'm hating that one!


    I have that one, sbish (which is killing me) and Pinstripes and Polkadots (which I know I almost have, but can't figure out what's wrong.)

    I don't remember sbish being difficult, but the tab key might have been key with that one.  Read the last clue for P&PD very carefully and really think about what it means, at some point it will click!

    OMG. The tab key!!! I've wasted so much time mousing over things.  ugh!

    OMG TAB KEY!!!  Brilliant.  Thank you, because that one was driving me crazy.  I knew I was on the right page, I just couldn't find it.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageked77:
    I definitely have a lot of gifts in mind for my pregnant sister in law!  I have 2 left on the extreme hunt, both are making me insane!! P&PD I can't figure out for the life of me, I can't even get to the showroom!  And squishylicious is driving me crazy, I randomly found the last clue and now I'm hopelessly stuck.  grrr. spending way too much time on this!

    With P&PD the key is to read the showroom hint literally.

    Squishylicious is tricky!  Be sure to look at the whole page. :)

  • imageSam78:

    I remember with P&PD I am pretty sure I have the right product with the clue, but can't seem to get out of the showroom. Gah. I haven't looked at it in a couple of days, and I'm probably too antihistamine-addled to try thinking hard now.

    Not sure if I'm reading this correctly or not, but you don't have to leave the showroom.  It will be in the popup page just like the other clues.

    Yes, the key is to mouse over the right spot though, that's where careful reading of the clue comes in.  Who knows, maybe a drugged state would help Wink


    Right after I wrote that, I finally found the link. I had the product, I was just being blind. And now I'm stuck on the very last product. Found it, now just need to find the icon. 


  • imageQuizzle:

    I remember with P&PD I am pretty sure I have the right product with the clue, but can't seem to get out of the showroom. Gah. I haven't looked at it in a couple of days, and I'm probably too antihistamine-addled to try thinking hard now.

    Not sure if I'm reading this correctly or not, but you don't have to leave the showroom.  It will be in the popup page just like the other clues.

    Yes, the key is to mouse over the right spot though, that's where careful reading of the clue comes in.  Who knows, maybe a drugged state would help Wink


    Right after I wrote that, I finally found the link. I had the product, I was just being blind. And now I'm stuck on the very last product. Found it, now just need to find the icon. 

    I am stuck trying to find the last mystery product.  I feel blind.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I finally finished it.  I was stuck on some of them for a long time.  And some of the sponsors were not giving the best clues, but I eventually got it.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • I just registered tonight for this and have found 3 extremes just by looking through the stores, no clues.  I'm lost with the clue situation...  Do I have to search for the clues too?
  • imageash.flea:

    I definitely have a lot of gifts in mind for my pregnant sister in law!  I have 2 left on the extreme hunt, both are making me insane!! P&PD I can't figure out for the life of me, I can't even get to the showroom!  And squishylicious is driving me crazy, I randomly found the last clue and now I'm hopelessly stuck.  grrr. spending way too much time on this!

    With P&PD the key is to read the showroom hint literally.

    Squishylicious is tricky!  Be sure to look at the whole page. :)

    Got it! Thank you!

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • imageschtephanie:

    I remember with P&PD I am pretty sure I have the right product with the clue, but can't seem to get out of the showroom. Gah. I haven't looked at it in a couple of days, and I'm probably too antihistamine-addled to try thinking hard now.

    Not sure if I'm reading this correctly or not, but you don't have to leave the showroom.  It will be in the popup page just like the other clues.

    Yes, the key is to mouse over the right spot though, that's where careful reading of the clue comes in.  Who knows, maybe a drugged state would help Wink


    Right after I wrote that, I finally found the link. I had the product, I was just being blind. And now I'm stuck on the very last product. Found it, now just need to find the icon. 

    I am stuck trying to find the last mystery product.  I feel blind.

    Guaranteed you're not blind, re-read the clue ...

  • imagebutterflygrooves:
    I just registered tonight for this and have found 3 extremes just by looking through the stores, no clues.  I'm lost with the clue situation...  Do I have to search for the clues too?

    A lot of them have 'Start here!' on their websites, or clues on the website. Some of them are big clue hunts. A few are random searches.

    Check out the hint forum, too, it can be helpful!

    I'm down to just sbish/sloomb and cute caboose now :)


  • So far I've only purchased from one site, but have a few others bookmarked. 

    I've even got my husband in on the hunt. I was out for ladies night earlier this week and when I called to check in he was working on one that I had left up on the computer.  lol.

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