
D*mn Tonsils - ENT says out :-(

Anyone's DC have their tonsils and adenoids out? Apparently DS's tonsils are humongous (causing sleep apnea and other issues) and have to come out on the 29th. Crap, crappity, crap, crap, crap!!

I HATE the idea of him having surgery, going under, etc. I know that this is a fairly common childrens' procedure, and that it could be so much worse; but I just don't want to see him in pain and know that there's nothing I can do about it other than rub his forehead and give him tylenol.

Anyone want to talk me through what it was like for your DC? I'd love to hear experiences from actual day of surgery, to what you did with DC to keep them quiet and relatively still for 10 days. DS is super active and gave up his nap at 2yo, so I can't imagine filling up entire days with activities he can do on the couch. I'm thinking that we'll make paper chains for the Xmas tree, and maybe some beaded garland - but realistically how long will that take, ya know? I guess movies will be our friend.

Also, what did you feed them?? They told me yesterday lots of cold clear liquid - juice, juice pops, icees, coolattas, etc. They said no dairy (crap, b/c DS loves yogurt) and nothing red. They said when he does want solids to give Campells Chicken noodle soup and ramen (really, RAMEN for a 3yo - no way!)

Ugh! Sorry this is so long, I'm just overwhelmed and worried already. Thanks for any advice or experiences you can offer.    

Re: D*mn Tonsils - ENT says out :-(

  • I had mine out as a kid and I know the surgery is different now, my niece had it 8 years ago and it was different than mine too- lots of advances!

    I think my DD will have to have hers out within the next 6 months-year, so I'm interested in what others have to say on this thread too.

    As for the Ramen- maybe they meant just the ramen noodles- not the packet of MSG flavoring.

  • DS had his adenoids out in March, and it was pretty much a non-event. It was done in the outpatient surgical suite attached to the ENT office, and from the time we got there until the time we left was about 4 hours.

    They didn't tell us no dairy, but that was probably because he didn't have his tonsils out.

    I gave him 2 doses of the pain meds they gave us, and that was it. He was 100% normal by the next morning, and it's made such a difference in his ability to breathe.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • Mine needs his out, we're awaiting the scheduler phone call.  Probably 1st week of December.  Tonsils, adenoids, and a new set of ear tubes.

    They said to do salty foods after to make him thirsty so he'd drink a ton, getting dehydrated is a big issue and can make the bleeding worse post op.

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