The post below cracked me up as someone thought OP's girls were boys. I get this all the time. People especially think Audrey is a boy. The kid just doesn't have much hair.
I can't tell you how many times I get, "one boy, one girl?" I don't put them in dresses all the time, but they do wear girly clothes/shoes. Headbands/earrings are just NMS.
And I wonder if Audrey will pick up on this soon...hmmm.
I didn't get much hair till I was 3yrs old, so I guess I could be dealing with this for a very long time. This is hardly a real problem, it just annoys me sometimes.
Oh, and some genius asked me if I cut Audrey's hair short so I can tell them apart.
Re: Girls w/out hair and gender mix-ups
I can have mine dressed exactly the same in PINK and I still get "Oh! A boy and a girl?"
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
Daily (sometimes several times a day!) I get "a boy and a girl?"
DDs are still lacking on the hair! I try to dress them in girly outfits or attempt to clip a bow on their wisps, but get the B/G comment anyway
All.the.time! This is with them being in ther pink carseats, usually in pink or a dress/skirt, and their pink lovies. We don't go anywhere without their headbands with flowers on since they are blonde and only have that chicken fluff going on.
After they ask the question of gender, I usually say,"Excuse me?" or simply a drawn out, "Huh?" They usually realize the second time what a dumb question it was and won't ask again. My husband will sometimes brazenly tell them we like to put flowers and pink on our boys. Haha.
I guess it's just one of those stupid twin comments. I really don't know which is more annoying though...are they twins or what gender?
I always ALWAYS get a b/g comment. I could dress them both in pink frilly dresses, and people would still think tzelia is a boy.
Both girls are bald, but T has a more 'boyish' face compared to meorah, who has huge eyes and long eyelashes. She just looks 'girly'.
I also am using a car seat my son used, which is more gender neutral, so I'm sure that plays a role...people see the brown and assume the baby in it must be a boy.
I just say, no, two girls and leave it at that. People are just trying to make conversation
She has more than Jordana had at her age! Jordana is just now, at 2 years old, getting some hair!
I can't tell you how many times I get asked if she is a boy! They even asked when she is a freaking pink or purple outfit, sometimes dresses too!
I don't have girls but when James' hair is very short I get asked if he is a girl! He has very long eyelashes, small features, and is on the petite side.
Just like all the other ridiculous comments we have to endure from strangers - I hope this one fades out by the time he is old enough to understand.
People are just clueless. I think for us we get the one boy, one girl comment (even though the one they think is a boy is almost always in pink) is because they look so different. I have one that is blond and one that is a brunette. So when they here twins and they look so different they think they are different sex. I think some people cannot get through their brains that you can have fraternal twins that are the same sex. When they hear fraternal they think boy/girl twins.
Also my blond was completely bald, didn't even have peach fuzz at their first birthday. She finally started growing hair that second year, but her bangs just will not grow in, so I had to cut the back some because she was getting this wild mullet thing going on. Now her back is short too (so the top can catch up with the back some), so they really think she is a boy,.
I used to get that all the time. My favorite was when the girls were about 5 months old, we were at a fourth of July parade. They were both in dresses, but were in navy and red. Some guy came over asked if they were boys, which didn't bother me because they were in "boy" type colors. But when I told him they were two girls, he exclaimed, pointing at Charlotte, "*That* one is a *girl*?!"
They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks.
Everyone asks if they are a boy and a girl. My DH and I disagreed with which baby people mistook for a boy, so for a while I polled people and asked which one they thought was a boy. It was fun to catch people off guard! It was about 50/50. Some think DD1 is a boy b/c she has dark hair. Some think DD2 is a boy b/c she doesn't have much hair. It makes no sense. It doesn't matter what I dress them in either...95% of the time people thing they're B/G. How they miss the headbands and pink and purple clothes is beyond me.
Sorry you all are dealing with the same, but I am so comforted to know it
When strangers look like they're going to say something, it's always,
"Twins?" yes
"Identical?" no (really people????)
"One boy, one girl?" two girls
It's like they are all reading off the same card!