I got some paperwork from the billing department at my OB today. I didn't really get to read it until I got home. It states their global fee for delivery and then says "pregnancy delivered VBAC or cesarean will be charged a higher fee." I plan on asking about it at my next appointment, I mean it's not really a huge deal to me that it would cost more, I just don't understand why it would be. I could understand it if there were complications but if everything goes like a "normal vaginal" delivery it doesn't make much sense to me that it would be more just because it was a VBAC. Any ideas?
Re: Delivery cost - VBAC more expensive
Maybe to cover the increase in malpractice premiums that VBAC providers have to pay? Or because of the whole "immediately availabl"e thing?
How much more do they charge for VBAC? You have to let us know what they say about this!
She's talking VBAC vs. vaginal birth w/o any cesarean history.
My OB was at the hospital for 19.5 hours. He couldn't leave the hospital because of me. He could see other patients at that hospital, but he couldn't do anything else from 6am until 10:30pm. If I was a 1st time vaginal birth, I'm sure he would have gone back to his office at some point. I think that's probably worth a couple hundred extra bucks.
I'd have to go dig out the price sheet I got...which I'm too lazy to do right now. I do remember that the least expensive option is a "regular" vaginal delivery, followed by a VBAC (maybe 1k more?), and then a c/s. I don't know why that is, though.
I guess the point was that I personally paid the same for both but the insurance picked up the rest.