Having a strange issue and not sure whether to call a Dr and have it checked out or just keep an eye on it. Last night was the 3rd time in the past few weeks that I have woken up in the middle of the night with pain in my lower stomach/abdomen so bad that I felt like I might puke. Each time, the pain has lasted about 30 min and then goes away. Gets worse if I lay on my side. I'm not sick and feel fine the morning after. Just strange. What do you think? Could it be just gas? I've never had this issue before, but the fact it goes away after 30 min makes me wonder if its just minor. I don't have any pain during the day. Get it checked out, or just keep an eye on it? Oh, I haven't changed my diet at all and each time has been after a different meal, so its not a specific food causing this. I can't tell if its actually my stomach or something else.
Re: Diagnose me
Ugh. Hernia sounds scary. Would that only hurt at night? I guess maybe laying a certain way could aggravate it. Yes, all other sytems are working properly!
Not sure, but my dh gets this about once a month or so. He told his doctor and they found no reason for it. he has been having this problem for a couple years and I can't imagine there is no reason for it. He does eat a lot of spices, onions, peppers etc. But not sure if that is related.
What about gallstones? could definetely be gas too. I think is is worth calling your doctor if it wakes you up at night. It could be something that is easily fixed.