Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Child care/Nanny Suggestions

Good morning,

Can anyone recommend child care centers or nannys in or around the M streets or Lakewood area?  There seems to be a lack of child care centers in the area and the ones that I have found seem to have tons of violations.  Any suggestions would be appreciated! TIA!

Re: Child care/Nanny Suggestions

  • I am currently looking for a nanny in the M streets area as I have not been able to find a local day care center that I like.  I have been using GoNannies.Com but have not hired anyone to date.  Am interested to see if anyone else has any suggestions.  Good Luck !
    Missed m/c discovered 11.30.09 at 9w2d DS Born 10.26.10 Missed m/c discovered 11.7.11 at 8w3d Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BabyFetus Ticker
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  • We're at the Community School of the Park Cities - just off Hillcrest on Binkley. I know it is not right next door in the M streets or Lakewood, but it isn't too far. We LOVE the Community School - great staff and great families!
  • imageAlice1310:

    Try www.care.com



    I found my nanny here and I love her!  She does everything and still give my girl all the attention in the world!

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