Last night I dreamt that I had twin boys by C-section, but didn't have any memory of the birth at all. When they brought one to me I asked, where's Nathaniel (the name I have picked out) and my mom goes "Oh his name is Wynn. Wynn James." I said, "Uh, you named my babies for me?" and my mom says yes. So I flipped out on her and said that I had names picked out already, you are a disgusting person for naming my children and Wynn James is the stupidest name ever! So then my mom tries to fight me for being rude to her.
Then I ask DH why he let my mom name our children. And he says that I didn't write down the names I picked out. So I ask why he couldn't remember the names, we had discussed them many many times! He just looks at me all blank-stare. Then I get on the computer to research how to change a baby's name.
Re: Had a baby name dream last night...
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