Cloth Diapering

Is this a good deal on CL?

Posted on CL for $250 - does not specify condition, so I will need to go look at them.

1) Is this a good deal?
2) Is this a good stash for past the newborn stage?

4 M Swaddlebees Fitted Diapers
5 Bummis Super Whisper Wraps (covers)
19 Prefold diapers, assorted sizes (most are M/L)
2 bumGenius one size pocket diapers
3 M Bumkins All in One diapers
5 M Fuzzi Bunz Pocket Diapers
3 S Fuzzi Bunz Pocket Diapers
2 M Swaddlebees Pocket Diapers
1 M Blueberry Minky Pocket Diaper
4 M All in One Diapers, Unknown brand

Re: Is this a good deal on CL?

  • I'd say so, if they're in good condition.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I think so. I don't really have a budget but I feel so much better we I get a good deal. lol. I wont spend more than..

    $10 for EUC aio's, pockets, or fitteds.

    More than $1 for prefolds.

    And more than $5 for EUC covers and WAHM made.

    Totalling up all of that with the prices I feel comfortable with It comes to more than $250 so if everything is in good to great condition its a great deal!

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