our lil one's due date It is also DH's birthday and I'm really trying hard to not be in a funk, but I am. I can't help it and I don't think he really understands. Hoping I get a BFP in a few days but we shall see. I'm 9DPO today and I really have no urge to test at all so I'm thinking it will be easy during my 2WW.
Baby dust to all!
ETA: Back story, I had a tubal reversal in Jan. 2010, got pg in Feb. 2010, and had an ectopic in March 2010
Re: So today was
HUGS!!! I'm sorry. I hope you get the BFP this cycle and are able to get out of your funk. I understand because I'll probably be the same way. My due date would have been January 1, so all the stories about the first babies on New Years are going to hurt. And I'm sure my DH won't really understand either. He tries, but just can't.
Hang in there. Loads of baby dust to you!!!!
I'm so sorry! Give yourself time to grieve. Best of luck this cycle.