Cloth Diapering

RaR question

we have one RaR in our stash and I noticed the other day that on the inside of the pocket, there was what looks like a piece of plastic wrap against the PUL.  Is this normal? or is the PUL delaminating or something? This is actually our newest diaper (got it from the elf a couple of months back) and none of the other diapers look like this.  Any insight?

Re: RaR question

  • It sounds like it might be delaminating.  They had a batch of diapers that they said this might happen to.  If your elf bought it from the seconds site you might have gotten a bum diaper.  (Not to disparage the elf, just explaining why it might be happening.)
  • I figured that was the answer.  I'll contact the company and see what they can do.
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