Cloth Diapering

smartipants fail :-(

I got my smartipants in the mail and used it for the first time today. DS had it on for an hour and it leaked straight through the PUL. Now I have to figure out how to return it. :-(
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers Photobucket

Re: smartipants fail :-(

  • Yea, they suck. Sorry. :(
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  • They fit my LO horribly, leaked out the sides. Never straight through the PUL tho, crappy!
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  • Wow, I am so sorry.  We love ours - they fit great and never leak.  DD is super tiny (20 months, 20 lbs), maybe they fit better on tiny babies?

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  • Eh, I'd wash it and dry the cover on hot and try again.  Sometimes the PUL needs to be sealed in the hot air from the dryer.
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  • imagebethCT:
    Wow, I am so sorry.  We love ours - they fit great and never leak.  DD is super tiny (20 months, 20 lbs), maybe they fit better on tiny babies?

    It's not really a fit issue. Pee just came straight through the PUL. 

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers Photobucket
  • imagekissntell:
    Eh, I'd wash it and dry the cover on hot and try again.  Sometimes the PUL needs to be sealed in the hot air from the dryer.

    Thanks. I'll give it a try. 

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers Photobucket
  • Yeah, ours suck too. DS leaked out of every one until I started putting the BG 3.0 liner in instead of the Smartipants one.  The Smartipants liners and the NB liner work in the BG diapers.
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