This is my second post of this question. My little guy is still waking 4 times a night. I am dying to know how to get him to sleep more! I would think by this time (11 weeks adjusted) he could sleep longer stretches. I have reviewed several books and tried feeding him more at night, keeping him awake in the evenings, letting him sleep more ahhhhhh!
Please Help!
Re: When did your premie sleep longer?
Yup- we wern't even allowed to think about letting her sleep long stretches until she was over 10lbs (3 hour feedings timed to the minute until then), so if your LO is just there it might have something to do with it. Once she hit 11 lbs she was going 4-5 hours and by the time she was 15lbs she was STTN.
Work on your night routines. Have you read something like "Happiest Baby on the Block"? I think a lot of those tips are particularly relevant to preemies because they really need that extra time to feel like they're in the womb. If LO is waking up frantic, it's probably hunger.
Just let LO go at their own pace- we adjust to LO, not the other way around (at least not this early on). Trust me, the sleep will come. And the first time they do sleep for that long stretch you're going to be up checking on them every hour anyways!