In june, a popular website closed down due to family issues and she had mega clearance sales on all of her things. I know I made a purchase on June 2nd, and almost everything was already gone - you had to call her first before placing your order to make sure she still had things in stock.
If this sounds familiar to anyone, does anyone remember the name of that website? I'm trying to figure out what brand of PFs I got from her, so I know what sizes/weights they're good for.
I did find her email address through my paypal records, but I haven't heard from her yet.
Re: Store question
I know what are you talking about and although I don't remember the website,I know I saw it posted on The Eco-Friendly Family board (that's how I found out they were going out of business and had clearance). Maybe if you post this there someone will remember. HTH
Good luck.