So today is our first day, and we plan to stay home for at least the next 3-4 days, but my question is after that, what do you do about going to the store, running errands, etc.?
In your experience, was LO potty-trained enough after just a few days to be able to go out in public with underwear? Or did you do diapers/Pull-Ups for a little while during outings?
It has gone pretty well so far this morning! He had a few accidents but also peed in the potty twice and made it on the potty partially for a bm! He is down for a nap now (with diaper on).
Re: Diapers/Pull-Ups while out and about?
Sounds like your morning is going well! Sounds about right for a Day 1 to me. Good for him!
DH and I were just talking about what we were going to do while going out and about. I told him I hadn't thought through the whole potty training thing to where I realized it's going to be a lot harder to go out for awhile. BUT I think it's going to be really important for us to be consistant with her and keep the ball rolling. I think if we put a diaper on her while we are out she may get confused and not understand why she can't have a diaper on whenever she decides she wants one. While it would be much easier and comfortable for me, I think it would hinder her potty training progress.
SO - on our Day 2, we ventured out of the house this morning to church, diaperless. Very risky indeed! I put big girl panties on her and a Gerber diaper cover over them so that at least if she pood it would help contain the mess a little bit... and off we went. She stayed dry. We went right there and back - only gone about an hour and a half - I also asked her constantly if she had to pee - to the point where i was annoying MYself.
anyway - that's my thoughts on it. Good luck the rest of today!
We waited until my DD was to the point where she'd tell us 100% of the time if she needed to potty before trusting her in public and the carseat without pullups. I didn't want to deal with the mess and she didn't seem to have confusion switching between panties and pullups. It took about a month for her to train completely to that point @ 25 months.
Once we started PT I refused to put a pull up on DD for any time other than sleeping. It was done partly to keep her from being confused, I guess. This means that we waited forever to venture out to any other place besides a relatives house (although mostly for my sanity. lol)
She has always done great in the car. She comes w/me to work and I have a 30 minute commute each way so I guess that was the easier part of the whole process. I was never worried about accidents and she never had one. I put plastic underwear over her panties for about a week and after that just her regular clothes.