My cousin's wife completely annoys me. All she does on FB is complain and her whole life is "woe is me" "feel sorry for me." Anyway, here's yesterday's FB status regarding the baby shower she and her mom are throwing for her:
There are just so many things wrong with it. I'm so tempted to post something snarky! I haven't been invited to a family event since I moved out of state. If she only knew I would send a gift if I'd been invited.
Re: Tacky baby shower FB status
That's just childish, and *highly* annoying.
A. The "don't forget to bring" irks me.
B. Who the heck goes to a baby shower to win an "awesome gift bag"? What are we, at an awards show? She obviously doesn't have to worry about finances if she is giving things away, instead of just receiving.
C. What if someone doesn't bring diapers? Will they not be allowed entrance?
D. She says it twice in her status.
E. No capitilization, and the 'lol'. Bleh!
I have a friend just like this concerning her Facebook statuses!
Eww that is a tacky status.
I love how she instructed everyone to bring only newborn or size 1. She is going to end up with a bunch of diapers that need exchanged for bigger sizes.
Hahaha - takes some set of balls to put those on your registery!
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
That's just the thing. They have no money. They were already struggling financially and then she lost her job this week!
She posted again reminding everyone to bring diapers. She also posted saying how excited she was to get all of the "goodies" today from her guests. I hope she gets a good turnout and that she's not disappointed. I think her expectations may be a little too high.
I want to ask her if those not invited should get size 2 diapers