
easy healthy snack ideas?

I know it's a dumb question but just humor me.  i'm in charge of bringing a "healthy snack" to a few of dd's upcoming activities.  any recommendations for something that is good for a group?  for my own kids (just 2 of them), I'd give them an apple, bowl of grapes, carrot sticks, etc. but those don't seem very good "group" snacks.  so what's something easy instead? 

Re: easy healthy snack ideas?

  • Pretzels, trail mix, strawberries?


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • These aren't the  healthiest snack but I sometimes give DD Veggie Straws.  They are baked chips that are in the shape of french fries.  There are three different kinds, potato, spinach and tomato.  They are just lightly salted and all kids I know love them.

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  • Go-gurts (they have organic too), baggie of grapes/strawberries, fig newmans, whole wheat goldfish.
  • We have done fruit kabobs using toothpicks. I do a grape, apple, banana, strawberry, watermelon. The kids love them. You can put a cheese cube w the fruit if you want. Use any fruit combo. Or you can do a chex mix w chex cereal or goldfish, pretzels, raisins, m&m's.
  • muffins

    "ladybugs on a log" instead of "ants on a log" - strawberry flavored cream cheese in celery sticks, topped with craisins.  yummy and cute

    Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
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