hi ladies! sitting here tandem breast feedin my twin boys woo woooo!
curious to hear how everyone handled feeding their twins. i'm supplementing w/ formula right now b/c they want them to fatten up and get bigger/stronger, but i hope to ween them off formula eventually. so for now, it's 30-ish mins on breast, and about an ounce after from the bottle (sometimes formula, sometimes pumped Bmilk, depending on my supply).
Re: twins born at 36 wks-ish.... how did feeding go?
My milk didn't come in for about 4 days or so, so they were formula-fed from bottles for a while, and I pumped every 3 hours to get my milk going. They started breast-feeding after my milk came in, but I would breastfeed one baby per feeding, and then pump, and the other baby would get pumped breastmilk. We did start tandem feedings around 2 months (I am SO impressed you are able to do it already!), and now we no longer do tandem feeds because they are too wiggly and distractable and don't eat well when they are together!
I stopped supplementing with formula around 6 weeks and have exclusively fed breast milk ever since. I pump once a day now to get milk to put in their oatmeal and for them to have bottles when I'm out.
That's exactly where I was at - although I couldn't tandem feed until 5 weeks- I am also very impressed by you!
I was never able to completely wean them off the formula supplement completely- although I know others have, so don't get discouraged. Eventually, I was able to limit the formula supplement to 3 feedings a day so I wasn't always having to give them a bottle after I nursed. At around 6 weeks weeks we were doing 8 oz per baby per day of formulat got down to 6 oz around week 10, but then had to go back up to 8 oz around week 14.
Now I'm weaning the girls and will only be FF, so my ounces won't mean anything to you.
Keep it up girl! You're doing great!