The ultrasound went great, they had DH feed DD while they did the ultrasound so that she would stay calm. Everytime the tech took a picture there was a beep, and DD would turn her head to look for the sound, which is great developmentally, not so good during an ultrasound. It took a little longer, but the tech was able to get clear pictures.
According to the tech, which we all know aren't supposed to tell us anything, he said everything looks normal and he didn't find any physical issues generally associated with accelerated head growth like fluid, blood, growths, etc.
Now we wait for the radiologist to read the results and send them to our Pedi. Hopefully I'll get a call early next week about what they found, and what they want to do moving forward. Hopefully she's just a perfectly healthly little girl with a big head
Thanks for all the thoughts and support, I really appreciate it!
Re: Update on ultrasound