
my boys are here!

i had a c/s scheduled for monday evening at 7:30 pm.  i had to be at the hospital at 5.30 which meant we had to leave at 5.27 (lol, the hospital is literally down the block). 

i took a nap on monday and woke up at around 2.30. i went upstairs to pack the last of my things and went to the bathroom first.  and then my WATER BROKE!  right in the potty.  yay for timing and all but seriously???  it freaking broke???  i called DH who was actually now in out driveway, called my sister so her MIL could watch DD until my sister got home, then packed up the last of the stuff in our car until DD was dropped off by her school bus.  we packed her up, brought her to my sister's MIL's house then went to the hospital.  by then it was 4 pm.  at 4.05 i started contracting!  and holy mother of lord were those contractions awful.  immediately they were 5 minutes apart and really really strong.  the doc came in and game me an epi at around 5.30.  we then all talked and decided to go ahead with the c/s.  i had no desire to labor all night and we had the room anyway all set up so we went in for a 7.30 c/s. 

at 7.57 benjamin jackson was born at 7 lbs 6 oz and 20". 

at 7.59 his 'little' brother, jackson robert followed at 6 lbs 2 oz and 19.5"!

i still can't believe how everything came together.  they're healthy, awesome and beautiful. 

thank you so much for advice and help!!!!!!


proof that i make babies. jack, grace, and ben, in no particular order

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