I don't think they are "the devil" but I don't need something else to restrict from my kids either. No, they will not be getting one for birthday/Christmas this year.
DS1 got a Leapster over the holidays last year. He plays with it occasionally, but is starting to pick it up more as he gets older. He played the Star Wars math game for about 10 minutes this afternoon, then chose to go outside and play with his brother. DS2 is starting to show some interest, and we're thinking of getting him one for his birthday in January. Everything in moderation, IMO.
The twins got them soon after turning 3. They made a miraculous difference in our 12 hour ride to the outer banks that year, and even better this year. They play with it in spurts - a few weeks of lots of time, then weeks without touching them. They've definitely learned some things from it and I don't see the issue if they are used in moderation.
Re: POLL: Does your child have a Leapster/DS
{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}