
Just met a MoM-to-be who didn't find out until 29 weeks...

We're selling a bunch of infant and baby things on Craigslist right now, and the nicest MoM-to-be came by to pick up some twin things today. We talked for a while because she's also a singleton + twins momma, and I mentioned that I found out about our twins "late" at 18 weeks.  She said "Oh, I know. I only found out 3 weeks ago. At 29 weeks."  I think my jaw hit the floor. I can understand that happening when there's a lack of prenatal care, but that didn't seem to be the case here. I was almost hesitant to believe her. 

Her attitude was amazing, she looked totally great, and she said she's had a relatively easy pregnancy thus far. Kudos to her, but WOW.

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Re: Just met a MoM-to-be who didn't find out until 29 weeks...

  • This pregnancy has been SO different than my singleton pregnancy, if I didn't know for sure, something would've told me to ask the doctors until they told me there was more than one in there lol.
    Ella- 8/22/08, Jules and Tuck- 12/15/10
  • A woman just started working for my company this week and I was introduced to her in the kitchen as another multiple mom.

    She has 31 year old triplet boys and they didn't know about the 3rd boy until delivery.  She had to be induced at 40 weeks and after they delivered the 2nd baby they felt more hands and feet so they immediately put the mom under.  They woke her up and told her she had 3 boys?!?!

    Her story is from 31 years ago where pre-natel care (& delivery) was so different from today so it is funny to hear about her not finding out until 29 weeks.  But we have definitely heard crazier things happen on here!

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  • so weird!

    i met a woman recently who has 40 year old triplets and she didn't know until delivery either.


    How to tell my boys apart

    The different types of twins and triplets
    Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
    My blog * We made the national news!
  • That is wild!  This was my first and only pregnancy, so I am not sure I would have known at all until they told us!
  • WOW...not knowing until 29 weeks is crazy! I thought it was crazy when I found out about my twins at 19 weeks...couldn't imagine not knowing until then, or when they were born!
  • Did she have an anatomy scan at 20 weeks?  I can't imagine how a 2nd baby could hide in that - or the tech really sucked.. Wow.

    When i hear the stories about women in the "olden days" not knowing until they delivered it sends a shiver down my spine... when i was preparing for 1 baby- i think if I delivered 2 I'd be in tears freaked out.  Let alone 3! OMG.

    I'm so glad I found out at 5 weeks :)

  • I found out around 6w and I'm so glad I found out early.  It took me quite a while to absorb the fact that there was more than 1 baby. 
  • Don't mean to sound like a 'negative Nancy', but I don't believe her.

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • That is insane.  I didnt find out until 18 weeks, and I was shocked.  I agree with pp, this pregnancy is SO different that I would have demanded some more tests at my doctor had I not found out when I did.  I can barely do anything already and I am only 27 weeks!
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