I had a c/s with DD in Oct 2009. I'm wondering if anyone knows the risk of uterine rupture of trying for a VBAC next month (Dec 2010, 14 months between births)?
My doctor said that it's ~1% if there is 18 months between births, and therefore even higher given there's only going to be 14 months between births. This is why I've scheduled a repeat c/s.
I'd really like to try for a VBAC, but I'd like to more about the risks, if anyone has any information.
Re: Uterine Rupture Risk
Not sure about the increased risks.
Will they still let you have a trial of labor? If you feel more comfortable with a c/s then you should go for it, but if you want the VBAC, I wouldn't close any doors by scheduling just yet.
I unfortunately had no progress at my 40 W 4 day appt, and so elected to have a c/s. There were a couple other things going on as well, but I'm glad I hung in until my Dr's bitter end rather than scheduling for 38 -39 Weeks and always wondering. My c/s were 17 months apart and no one mentioned any increased risks. I was quoted something around 2%.
I do wish my dr's had educated me more about my c/s after having my first. They only talked birth control after the pp appt but never when would be a good time with a c/s to have your next baby.
Good Luck with whatever you decide.
I had read that there can be an increased risk of rupture with births closer than 18 months, but I have also read that there is no incrfeased risk because your incision doesn't heal any extra after something like 18 days post surgery. The risk of rupture is pretty well accepted to be .07% after one c/s.
Also, keep in mind that c/s are not without risk and the 2nd is riskier than the first and the 3rd is riskier than the 2nd. I don't want to push you either way, it is a personal decision that you have to make, but if you want to VBAC I wouldn't let the rupture rate scare you out of it.
When I was deciding to VBAC, I also thought about the risk to every pregnant woman of things like abruption, cord prolapse, etc and those risks are generally higher than the risk of rupture for a woman who previously had a c/s.
Another thing that struck me that I think I read in Henci Goer's book was that if a rupture occurs, it is usually before labor begins.
And the last thing that I want to add is that if you decide to have the section, you can wait until you go into labor .so you know your baby is ready. My section was scheduled at 38 weeks and I really feel like if we had waited until I went into labor my son would not have had all of hte problems he had at birth because he was just not ready to be born yet.
Good luck with the choice. I know it is not an easy one.
Love it!
This is a GREAT link! Thanks for sharing!

~Sweet Girl *8/18/08* c-section ~ Sweet Boy *12/2/10* VBAC ~ Sweet Boy *8/14/12* VBAC~
VBAC Birth Story 2VBAC Birth Story
love this!
I also wanted to add that in the .07% u/r rate it is not seperated out into catastropic rupture and rupture that they don't even know about until after baby is born and unless someone checks interally (which I wouldn't recommend since that can cause a rupture). So basically, in that less than 1% risk, your risk of a serious rupture is even less.
another thing that I thought was interesting that I read again today is that a c/s is a uterine rupture, just a controlled one. Sort of made me think.