So last night I dreamt about the MWNF--MN version (which no one from MN is even going to be able to make! waaah!) It was more of a nightmare....every hotel room was disgusting and they kept making us move rooms, so the MN nesties could never find us. Sooooo random.
Then, I decided when I woke up that I just need to make it a tour....October was KS, November is MN. I'm thinking next month will be Chicago?? Or maybe I'll wait until spring when the weather isn't as unpredictable......
Re: Nest dream and.....
I'm thinking I could do something that weekend...if you are shopping at MOA - that is in my neck of the woods. I could pop over during a shopping break for lunch or coffee or something.
That would be GREAT!!!! Lets plan on meeting for lunch on Saturday! What are some good restaurants at the Mall that would be easy to meet at????
I'm glad we will get to meet at least one person! LOL!
Crave is my favorite. Nordstrom's has a cafe on the 3rd floor which is pretty good too.
I'll PM you my email.