Baby Names

Why don't we have a mod?

Not that it gets super crazy on here, but you know, there are the occasional HannaKevins, etc.  Has it always been this way, or is it me just now noticing there's no board moderator?
I don't know what's up with my siggy and I am too lazy to figure it out.

Re: Why don't we have a mod?

  • I'm new 'round these parts, but I have to ask. Is HannaKevin a frequent troll?  Maybe you all are just so civilized, they don't think you need a mod?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I think a moderator would be nice. Things do get a little crazy from time to time, and they have the tendency to go way too far before they are taken care of.

    There's also a few "queen bees" on the board that feel it's their duty to put people in their place, which sometimes creates even more drama. If we had an actual moderator, I think this would be less of an issue.

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  • imageDaisyViolet:
    I'm new 'round these parts, but I have to ask. Is HannaKevin a frequent troll?  Maybe you all are just so civilized, they don't think you need a mod?

    One of the other regs could probably give you a better background, but yes, a definite Baby Names troll.  And, don't say her name again! Smile  If you say it three times she comes back!

    I don't know what's up with my siggy and I am too lazy to figure it out.
  • I've been a regular for awhile now, and I don't remember ever having one. Would be helpful...

    To answer pp's question: HannaKevin was a troll who posted a ridiculous number of obnoxious posts just to get people riled up. She was super immature and I'm pretty sure everyone on the board reported her multiple times, but it took like 2 weeks for her to be gone.

    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • imagesunnyday016:

    I've been a regular for awhile now, and I don't remember ever having one. Would be helpful...

    To answer pp's question: HannaKevin was a troll who posted a ridiculous number of obnoxious posts just to get people riled up. She was super immature and I'm pretty sure everyone on the board reported her multiple times, but it took like 2 weeks for her to be gone.

    Oh no!  Three times in one post!  Watch out, ladies!

    I don't know what's up with my siggy and I am too lazy to figure it out.
  • imageelyshaswedding:

    I've been a regular for awhile now, and I don't remember ever having one. Would be helpful...

    To answer pp's question: HannaKevin was a troll who posted a ridiculous number of obnoxious posts just to get people riled up. She was super immature and I'm pretty sure everyone on the board reported her multiple times, but it took like 2 weeks for her to be gone.

    Oh no!  Three times in one post!  Watch out, ladies!

    Sorry, I think I was typing out my response at the same time, but you must have hit post first. Your post wasn't up there when I went to reply! 

    Idea Is there some sort of counter-jinx we can say? 

    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • I know that some of us have talked about the pros and cons of asking the Bump to elect a moderator. On the one hand, it would be nice to have someone on-hand to deal with our troll problem when it rears its ugly head.

    On the other, this board is very opinion-driven, much more so than most of the other boards, and having too many rules and regulations might put a damper on the "brutal honesty." For some of us, that's a negative, for others it would probably be a blessing.

    Some of the other boards have had really negative experiences with moderators--it seems as if having someone to complain to means that there will be more and more complaints, about everything from signatures to posting guidelines. I haven't run into that personally, but in talking to a few other people, I've heard of a few pretty nasty arguments over moderators not doing their jobs or doing their jobs too well.

    We've also been talking about inquiring after having a Sticky/FAQs posted at the top of the board permanently. I imagine whether or not they might consider a moderator would also be involved with that inquiry.

    ETA: I know you're mostly joking, but the Hanna+Kevin AE is permanently banned. Summoning her will do no good. Her other AEs are still about though, but only one has posted in the last few days.

  • Yeah, there's been talk of a mod, but I'm one who's had a bad personal experience with a mod coming on another board. Unfortunately, because it's an opinion board, anyone who mods could get caught up in some nastiness if they voiced their opinion on a name, and it didn't fly with OP, another poster or even a lurker.

    We also don't have a mod because this board gets very little attention from the Bump Gods. On another board I was on, we had a mod because the Bump would post once a week asking for volunteers. No one is asking here. Also, during the Hannah+Kevin incident, in which she posted two pages of nonsense and punctuation, it took a stern email (or two) to the Bump to get them to deactivate her account. So it doens't seem to be really high on their list.

    I whole-heartedly agree with a sticky note though - and that's in the works. The adoption board has such a great one...hopefully we can come up with something just as helpful.

    lol at queen bees

    Married! | July 15, 2005 | It's a Girl! | January 31, 2009 | It's a Girl! | July 21, 2011
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  • imagebraveangel2:

    Yeah, there's been talk of a mod, but I'm one who's had a bad personal experience with a mod coming on another board. Unfortunately, because it's an opinion board, anyone who mods could get caught up in some nastiness if they voiced their opinion on a name, and it didn't fly with OP, another poster or even a lurker.

    We also don't have a mod because this board gets very little attention from the Bump Gods. On another board I was on, we had a mod because the Bump would post once a week asking for volunteers. No one is asking here. Also, during the Hannah+Kevin incident, in which she posted two pages of nonsense and punctuation, it took a stern email (or two) to the Bump to get them to deactivate her account. So it doens't seem to be really high on their list.

    I whole-heartedly agree with a sticky note though - and that's in the works. The adoption board has such a great one...hopefully we can come up with something just as helpful.

    lol at queen bees

    Your points (and Strangebird's) make a lot of sense.  I don't necessarily think we need one, I just found it odd that we don't have one.  I wholeheartedly agree about the sticky note, too.  The one on the Photography board is very helpful.

    I lol'd at queen bees, too. :)

    I don't know what's up with my siggy and I am too lazy to figure it out.
  • We do not need a mod. We are adults and I for one dont need someone to take care of things for me. If there is a troll you are all capable or playing along or ignoring.

    Cencorship is always a bad think in my opinion. This isnt elementary school ladies.

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