Had my first OB appointment today. I was really excited because I know how much this doctor encourages natural child birth and allows the woman to take full control of her l&d as much as possible.
I was asking him if I am a good candidate or a vbac. He told me (although he severely disagrees with it) that all of our hospitals have a blanket policy of automatic c/s if you have already had one. no ifs, ands, or buts about it. And the one birthing center we have (where his office is at ironically) wont take you if you have already had a c/s (even though there is a hospital literally right across the street!).
I am so beyond livid right now. Noone gets a choice. It's just butcher shop time. I don't even know what to do. I really don't want to go through that again unless it is a medical necessity for my child or myself. How do I cope with this?
Re: Very upset
((hugs)) I'd be incredibly upset, too. Have you thought about homebirth? Can you ask him if there is another hospital or birthing center within an hour or so that will do VBACs? Maybe check out your local ICAN list and see if they have any ideas for your area.
I truly hope you find something that can work for you!!
Our state, supposedly, won't let VBACs go to a birthing center, which pisses me off. I haven't looked into it in any great detail as the closest birthing center is about an hour + away. We do have many local VBACers who choose homebirth, though!
I am definately going to research ICAN in my area. Not to get too into detail but I do have medicaid. I live on the very west tip of Texas and the closest place for me to go to is an 1+ away in NM and medicaid wont cover a different state and another local hopsital (that might be around here) is more than an hour away as well.
The local birthing center (the only one we have) wont see anyone who has had a c-section (my doctors office is connected witht the birthing center) and my medicaid wont cover MW and I personally can't afford even the cheapest one around here. I also do have a fear of a home birth just incase there is an issue with me or the baby without someone who has proper medical training.
I guess I am trying to figure out a way to "mourn" my loss of a VBAC opportunity. I will do all I can to fight this but will have to figure out how much effort and time I can afford to put into it.
Understood. (hugs) Good luck with ICAN and making this a great birth experience, whatever that ends up meaning for you.