Two Under 2

Can you gate check...

... both car seats?  I can't seem to find any info on gate checking baby items.  We have flown before with just our DS when he was 7 months old, but our in-laws drove so we packed up their car with everything we would need, car seat, pack-n-play, etc. 

I figure will bring the infant car seat in the snap-n-go but what about the toddler carseat?  I plan on calling the airline to double check just figured I see if anyone here knew.


DS- 11/08,  DD1 - 05/10,  DD2 - 11/11

BabyFetus Ticker

Re: Can you gate check...

  • It shouldn't be an issue since you're traveling with two babies.  We've gate checked a stroller and a car seat at the same time.  If nothing else, you can just ask when you check in that day, and if they have a problem with it you can check a car seat to your destination. 

    the bug & bee blog
    (read it. you know you want to.)
    anderson . september 2008
    vivian . february 2010
    mabel . august 2012
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  • From my experience flying with ds, babies get 3 freebies. Through gate check or reg checking.Stroller, carseats, bassinet..
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    ... both car seats?  I can't seem to find any info on gate checking baby items.  We have flown before with just our DS when he was 7 months old, but our in-laws drove so we packed up their car with everything we would need, car seat, pack-n-play, etc. 

    I figure will bring the infant car seat in the snap-n-go but what about the toddler carseat?  I plan on calling the airline to double check just figured I see if anyone here knew.

    Double check with the airline. My girlfriend was an airline stewardess and said to never ever check carseat with the regular luggage because they're only rated for one crash and they go through a lot more than that in baggage handling.

    You can also get them free from car rental locations and there are sites that you can go to that rent baby items for travelers (if the airline says it's going to be an issue).

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