We really like the name Everley/Everleigh but my husband is worried that it will sound silly because our last name ends in "ee". What do you guys think?
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I would have to hear the full name, but I think it could definitely sound off. For example, Everley Casey does not sound right to me. However, it is not as bad as my name. Both my first and (married) last name are 2 syllables ending in ley. My name is like rhyme time.
i am on your husbands side with this one. we avoided names that end with the same sound as our last name
Mom to 2 beautiful girls, 3 yrs and 22 months old. My 2nd was born at 32 weeks due to Rhogam failure/severe complications from Rh disease and is our miracle. She has bilateral auditory neuropathy and a cochlear implant, activated 4/5/2012 at 19 months.
I had that same issue. It didn't really bother me because I love the first name I picked out for her. I figured you aren't going to emphasize the last syllable of the first and last name when you say it.
It works for some...Katie Perry and Jamie Durrie are two celebrity examples I have. I'm not sure on the double EE sound...for me it depends on the consonant sound that preceeds them both. Say Everly Smithy could work because they're just different enough rolling off the tongue. However if it were Everly Smilly then I think it's odd and too close. HTH!
And the spelling is Everly <-- linky...at the bottom of the page, user-submitted.
Re: First and last name ending in the same sound?
me too
I had that same issue. It didn't really bother me because I love the first name I picked out for her. I figured you aren't going to emphasize the last syllable of the first and last name when you say it.
Sorry, only Jets here. j/k
It works for some...Katie Perry and Jamie Durrie are two celebrity examples I have. I'm not sure on the double EE sound...for me it depends on the consonant sound that preceeds them both. Say Everly Smithy could work because they're just different enough rolling off the tongue. However if it were Everly Smilly then I think it's odd and too close. HTH!
And the spelling is Everly <-- linky...at the bottom of the page, user-submitted.
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