January 2011 Moms

2+ time mommas ...

how are you holding up caring for your LO(s) at this stage of the game? 

I had been doing really well, feeling pretty good, then BAM! 3rd tri hit and I'm sore and have back pain, and I can hardly carry DD.  It doesn't help that she's not even 2 and almost the size of a 3 year old, weighing close to 30 pounds.  And DH is out of the country for 2 weeks, so I'm staying with my sister for help and company, and miss my own bed.  I'm hoping once I'm back in my own house things will get better, but it's going to be a long 3rd trimester if it doesn't.

"Little seahorse/Floating on a primal tide/Quickening like a/Spark in a haystack side/I already love you/And I don't even know who you are" -Bruce Cockburn BabyFetus TickerLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers BOOKWORMS and BUTTERFLIES

Re: 2+ time mommas ...

  • So far, so good.  My DD is pretty little, about 24.5 lbs., and is very independent, so that helps a lot.  She just recently started wanting to climb into the car and her car seat by herself, which is great. 

    I do have more trouble getting off the floor when we're playing, but it's nothing I can't handle a couple of times a day.  Playtime on the floor might end in a few weeks, though, if it keeps up or gets worse.

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  • Mine are alittle older so, Im not picking them up.. Well minus when my son split his mouth open falling on Sunday.. I scooped him up and he weighs about 40 lbs.. LOL

    But with all the activities they do and places we go too, Im always on my feet and combine that with working full time and trying to keep the house decent.. I am beat.  I just get tired easily.

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    how are you holding up caring for your LO(s) at this stage of the game? 

    I had been doing really well, feeling pretty good, then BAM! 3rd tri hit and I'm sore and have back pain, and I can hardly carry DD.  It doesn't help that she's not even 2 and almost the size of a 3 year old, weighing close to 30 pounds.  And DH is out of the country for 2 weeks, so I'm staying with my sister for help and company, and miss my own bed.  I'm hoping once I'm back in my own house things will get better, but it's going to be a long 3rd trimester if it doesn't.


    I am the same way as you.  Felt great and fine until 3rd tri hit, now the slightest bit of over activity makes me completely sore.  And my son is definitely sitting on my back.  I am having serious back pain, but that comes with carrying a big baby.  My DD is just about 40 lbs and 3 and a half feet tall at age 3.  So I feel your pain, but she does everything pretty much independently now a days cause she wants to be independent.

  • I'm definitely slowing down... and the playing on the floor business, or rather getting back up afterwards, is tough!
    Married to a pharmacist
    Mother of two boys, three girls, and one more little boy on the way!
    Two time miscarriage survivor.
    So happy to be expecting our sixth child in August 2017!

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  • It's getting rough. I've been in a lot of pain the past 4 weeks. DS has gotten super clingy lately. He is small (20 lbs), but holding him all the time nearly kills me. I went to my doc 2 weeks ago because of all the pain and some awful cramping. She told me I was over doing it and need to slow down. I can't believe how impossible that is with a LO at home; I just can't. I was thinking the other day how nice it was during my 1st pregnancy to get to nap, sleep and rest whenever I felt like it :) Kudos to all of us and here's hoping the next couple of months fly by!
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  • This pregnancy has been really tough as far as keeping up with DS. He is constantly on the go and just has so much energy. I've either been really sick, really tired, or really sore pretty much the entire pregnancy and so sometimes I just have to tell him that I don't feel good. He is really good about understanding too. My DS is almost 40 lbs but luckily he is pretty independent and wants to get up in his chair or car seat on his own, so I rarely have to carry him.
  • I'm tired all. the. time.

    Olivia weighs about 28lbs @ 23 months. She's a load to carry around, but she's be getting better at walking beside me holding my hand while we go to the store. 

    Plus I'm still working (massage therapist) so I'm sore after my shifts. It is definitely harder this time around. 

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  • I know exactly how you feel! My DS is almost 30 lbs too (he's 2) and he's a mama's boy. I think now that I'm bigger, he's finally figuring out that something's changing, so he's been a little more clingy with me lately. Plus, he's been sick so that's not helping! =) And DH works late (not home till midnight) and he doesn't do any "middle of the night" stuff so that's been really hard on me. I'm very sore and very tired! My back and my hips hurt all the time. I have about 10 weeks left, and I'm hoping it flies by!!
  • I'm actually doing okay still, but we have a really small apartment, and Neriah is generally really good at playing on her own.  She's really steady on her feet, so she usually walks, or DH carries her. 

    The hardest is that she still needs to be rocked to sleep (we have to stand and sway her).  My back sure gets sore doing that! 

    Our place is a wreck though. :(  I just have no motivation to clean after taking care of Neriah all day!

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  • DS is probably around 22-24 pounds (his 18-month checkup is next Friday, so we'll find out what he actually weighs then).  He only started really walking about 2 months ago, and is not completely steady on his feet yet.  I am EXHAUSTED.  I play on the floor with him a lot, and try to get us out of the house during the day sometimes, but that's a production because I can't see well enough to drive, so I have to take him on 1-2 buses to get anywhere.  There is 1 library that is 1 bus away, and everything else is 2.  Strollers have to be folded up to go on the bus, so I push him to the bus stop (less than 1/4-mile away), then I have to fold up the stroller and hold him till the bus comes, then carry him, the stroller and the diaper bag on the bus, then switch buses, then push him wherever I'm going from the bus stop.  It's a lot of work and he can't walk reliably so while the stroller is folded up, I"m holding/carrying him.  We went to a Mommy & Me class today, and I was spent by the time we got there (it's a 10-minute walk from the nearest bus stop).  Days like today royally kick my @$$, but normally we are just in the house all day so I'm a little better.  DS likes to crawl up the stairs, and I jut follow him in case he gets tripped up.  Even bending over to do that is easier than carrying him.  It is definitely way different than last time!  I couldn't imagine trying to get out of the house with 2 little ones and be pregnant with a 3rd.  I think we're probably done having kids.
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