Pre-School and Daycare

DD loves preschool so much that..

every time I pick her up, she throws a HUGE tantrum, shouting "I WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL MORE" and lays down kicking and screaming in the middle of the hallway while other parents with calm and normal children try to walk around her. Then I get to juggle the 2 girls and try to carry DD1 out, still kicking and screaming....

I don't really know the point of this post, other then I'm really frustrated right now! It's been the past 5 times this has happened (2.5 weeks, she goes 2 mornings/week).

I don't know if she really wants to go more, or if she sees 1/2 the kids who stay for lunch & nap (not an option for us). Her good friend is in class with her, but he leaves at the same time as us.

I don't know if I should just book it out of there and let her scream all she wants until we get to the car (is what I do) and hope this phase is over quickly. I don't give in to the tantrums, we just GO. Or if maybe I should enroll her in a 3rd day, assuming they have openings. I'm afraid if we do a 3rd day, that I'm giving in to her tantrum...and I don't know if I'M ready for her to go 3 days a week already....

::::sigh:::: I just needed to get that out. Someone tell me they've been through this? It's so embarrassing... As a parent, I know it happens. But it's every time now and I'm starting to feel like the other parents are giving me looks...

CP 3/07
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14

Re: DD loves preschool so much that..

  • We had the same problem with the summer session of preschool - only all the kids left at the same time.  It took her awhile to get used to it, and occasionally, she still freaks when I pick her up - maybe twice in the past 2 months.  It does get better once she figures out the routine, but it is hard.

    I try to remind myself that every parent has issues like this.  For me, I chalk it up to Karma - when I was in preschool/Kindergarten, I would bawl and hide from my mom when she showed up to pick me up almost every day.  I loved my parents, but I wanted to stay with my friends.  DD acts like a mini-me, so I know how it feels to not want to leave all of the "fun."


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  • DD did the same thing with her dance classes.  She would fall out, kick and scream, cry, yell, hit me...everything she could think of because dance class was over.  It happened a few times but I would always explain to her that she would have another chance to go back and dance some more. She doesn't cry anymore when we leave but I think she enjoys the classes even more and has more fun since she knows they only come around once a week.  Hopefully, explaining to her that she can always come back and see her friends and teacher another day will help!  GL!
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  • I ahve been through this and its a great sign that your child loves where she is.  What helped me was to give my DD time to adjust to leaving.  Don't jsut walk in and say, let's go, grab your stuff type of thing.  Go in, tell your DD to finish what she is working on and that you will get her stuff ready.,  Give her time to finish (tell her she has a 5 mins or 3 mins, whatever works for you.  Get her stuff, let her say good-bye, remind her that he stuff will be there the next time she is there.  FOr me, I had 2 kids there when I went through this and I would go into my older DD's room (the one who was having the hard time leaving) and tell her I was there and give her the choice to finish up now and get her stuff with me and come with me to get her sister or tell her she could stay and finish whatever she was doing while I went to get her sister and then I would be back for her in a few mins.  It worked great - she stayed in her room once and was not happy about it.  After that,  she never cried and when she saw me, she finished and got ready.  In her PreK program now, she will sometimes ask me if she can finish what she is doing for 2 mins and then she will go.  She gets it and it eases the tranisition.  Hard transistion from school to home and vice versa can be so hard so letting them sort of ease into it really helps.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • Thanks for the advise everyone! Today went GREAT (phew!!!) :) Last night we talked a lot about how much she loves school and how I know she doesn't like leaving, but she always gets to go back and see her teachers and her friends.

    I don't know if this was the right thing to do... but it worked. I told her that only big girls go to school. And big girls don't scream and cry when it's time to go home. They know it's time for lunch and that they get to come back the next time to see everyone. Then I told her that if she continues to lay down and scream and cry every time we leave, that she won't go to school anymore. I told her that last night and DH dropped her off this morning and didn't say a word about it. DD was awesome at pick-up. As soon as we got out the school doors, she looked up at me and said "See, I didn't cry mommy" and I told her how great that was and how proud I was of her and how we'll be back to see her friends and teachers and have fun at school next week... then when we got to the car, DD told me she was so proud of herself ;)

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
  • Hi,


    Nice topic......


    I want to share my experience with you...... I dunno is it perfect place or not?

     Some tears ago when my son was 4 years the he would not got to his school...Every day he was starting his nagging and that time just I could not handle his nagging........

    Every morning we (me and my son) started fight on school attending......

    I was very scared about his education, because he was not happy at his school thats why he cant read or write any thing properly according to other children.....


    Then I went to my friend for solving the problem then she gave a website where some experts are discussing about early education.

     I followed their advice and my son is good. Now he can read or write properly Smile


    Please read my blog

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