Detroit Babies

Vitamin D

I'm exclusively breastfeeding and I just heard from someone that I should be giving him Vitamin D supplements.  My pediatrician hasn't mentioned anything and from looking online it seems to be somewhat wishy-washy... Does anyone know anything about this? Thanks!

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Re: Vitamin D

  • I've never heard of this.  He shouldn't need any additional supplements if you are bf.
  • We did one D drop a day. You can ask your pediatrician. More and more are starting to encourage it.

    We used Carlson Baby Ddrops, which are available in health food stores.


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  • I have heard you may need to supplement when exclusivley breastfeeding, but I would talk to my pediatrician before giving any supplements. 
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  • I EBF and my pedi had suggested giving them, but since I was outside in the sun a lot when I was pregnant, we decided not to.  A friend of mine EBF's too and she does give her DD a drop or two a day, I think it's a toss up and whatever you feel comfortable with. 
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  • I breastfed and gave ds vitamin d drops when he was first born, and for about 5 months or so after.  the pediatrician said because he was born in the winter month, is why he recommends getting it. winter babies in colder areas like here, dont get as much sunlight because of being bundled up and michigan being so gloomy. and the babies are not getting enough of it from moms breastmilk, also because mom is all bundled up and your not as exposed to as much sun as well.  so obviously if he was a summer baby then they would be exposed to a lot more sunlight and wouldnt need the extra supplement

    ask your pedi about it and see what they have to say before giving your lo the supplement. 

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  • I gave DD Tri-Vi-Sol (a vitamin drop that has 3 vitamins, including D) on my doctor's advice.  I sitll give her Poly-Vi-Sol drops (a multi vitamin).  Both are made by Enfamil.  Ask your doctor, you could probably just call and ask a nurse.
  • I asked my pedi about this a few months ago.  It is actually recommended for all babies, ff and bf.  I use the Poly-Vi-Sol by Enfamil multivitamins.  Vitamin D is not passed through breastmilk.
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  • If you're interested - Fit Pregnancy just had an article about this in their magazine. 

    Vitamin D Rising rates of rickets, or softened bones, in American infants spurred the AAP to double its vitamin D recommendation to 400 International Units (IU) a day starting in the first few days of life for babies who are exclusively breastfed. Extra vitamin D is especially important for dark-skinned babies and those living in Northern
    latitudes who get limited sun exposure, says Bhatia.

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