( I am struggling. Bad. and I'm only 6 weeks in. I've been on the verge of having afternoon sickness (you know praying that I will throw up so the almost feeling will go away) for a few days. And after lunch I get so tired. Like, if I sit, I nod off. But if I stand and do things I feel so sick.
Anyhow my patience is shorter than ><. I yelled at dd 3 times yesterday pretty badly. She even cried one of the times and I felt horrible-but honestly not until 10 minutes later! I just wanted to lay there and it was like she wouldn't let me and I was so angry about it! But looking back at it, of course she wasn't letting me lay down. Because when do I ever do that! Typing it out it sounds so dumb!
So, how in the world do you handle pregnancy and have patience when you have another kid. I cried twice yesterday bc I didn't think I was cut out for it. I need some tips!
Re: Need advice: I don't think I'm cut out being pg and a mom
Does she know yet that you're pg?
I was horribly sick (even spent 3 days in the hospital) when I was pg with DD and Ben was only about 12 mos old at the time. I spent a lot of time on the floor with him. I could lay down there (maybe get a bunch of pillows) and read books, play with blocks, dive cars, etc.
I think at M's age, she'd understand somewhat that Mommy doesn't feel good. Maybe make a big trip to the store for some craft stuff (paper, safety scissors, stick glue, puff balls, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, etc) and then maybe you can at least sit at the table, or hang out on the floor with her to do those things. Maybe buy a ton of books that you can read while you/her lay on the couch....or hit up the library for a bunch (we can check out 75 books at a time!).
Get some fun movies....my kids love the LeapFrog Letter Factory (and I think there's a Word Factory)...so even though it's movie, they're still learning.
Do you have friends that could come by in the afternoons? You could hang out with the other mom while the kids play (and M gets worn out!).
GL. I know it stinks, but hopefully it's a fleeting feeling,
it's probably the last thing you want to do but keep busy! I made plans all the time. I felt horrible. Worse with this one (my 3rd). But keeping busy was the only way for me.
I can't imagine how tired you must be. I will say, however, looking at your H'ween pictures, it looks like you are doing better than you may think. Your DD looks happy. I'm sure you feel awful for yelling, but she'll be ok.
Is there an area of the house that you can set her up with fun toys? DS has an "art cart" that I put in the diningroom when I feel he is pushing my buttons. Distraction. (Plus, it falls under DH's area of cleaning - hehe)
My mom always told me to count to 10 before reacting to something if my blood is boiling. Sometimes I just react, but I have been trying to make an effort to count to 10 before blowing up. Plus, DS sees me counting and I think that gets him more scared than my actual yelling.
And when my patience is at the thinnest, SuperWhy and AstroBoy On Demand comes to the rescue.
Keep your head up. You're a good mom.
I am struggling a lot with this pregnancy as well. I think it's all overwhelming me and then comes out in my parenting. I feel like crap most of the day, can't eat or enjoy anything, my body aches, my sleep is off due to anxiety, i hate my job, when I am home with DH and the boys, I have zero patience and so easily fly off the handle, i cry 2-3 times a day..it all just builds up. I had an appt yesterdayand my doc suggested I go back on prozac so I am going to try that out and see how it goes.
For now, I just try to get through the day and smile and laugh with my kids as much as possible. And just keep hoping that it will get better. good luck to you!
Jonathan Dean 4.5.08
Anna Capri 5.4.11
It's tough. It got better for me a few weeks into the second trimester, but I was hanging on by a thread before that. I was nauseous all day and doing too much made me throw up and then I felt even worse. I was exhausted and cranky. I definitely lost my sh!t more than I would have liked over the course of those 12 weeks.
I told my three year old that I was sick and he was pretty good about playing independently and helping entertain his brother. DS2 was about 18 months when I got pregnant and he's a big snuggler, so I just spent a lot of time lying around with him.
At your DD's age, I'd just try to find activities to keep you busy -- crafts, movie time, playdates, etc.
Hang in there.