Hawaii Babies

These online voting things...

So, I was on the Gap casting call's webpage and I noticed that the top contender for girls has a whooping 170398 votes! HOW does anyone get that many votes (w/o cheating or paying a service to generate votes for them)?? The contest has only been going on for like a month and a half, so that's like 3700 votes a day. Who would know that many people who would religiously vote for your kid everyday? And even if you have 3 computers with 3 browsers on each computer or you make up extra email addresses to vote with, still...3700 a day?!?
Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies

Re: These online voting things...

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    yeah i noticed on the GAP facebook page that people were complaining that GAP should disqualify people who are blatantly cheating using bots.... there was one entry that had 30,000 votes in just one day! that is why I did not even bother trying to rally for votes... I just have to hope the the judges love her and pick her photo from the 1.1 million entries ;)
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    that is why I did not even bother trying to rally for votes... I just have to hope the the judges love her and pick her photo from the 1.1 million entries ;)
    Yeah...haha. MH and I were saying how kinda scary it is in a way that Gap now probably has the largest collection of kids' photos =P
    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
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    Haha, I'm lame and wouldn't even enter since I'm 99.9% certain we wouldn't win... even if we somehow were the cutest one on there! ;)
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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