Wondering how you handled the driving during your pregnancy? I drove a couple of hours a few times a week and it's starting to get uncomfortable/exhausting. What was your experience? How long did you keep up with heavy driving for work in your pregnancy?
Re: Any outside sales reps on here?
i'm in pharma sales and was working full time when i was pg with the twins (i'm job share now).
I stopped working at 27w. It was getting really uncomfortable to work by then - and my OB wanted me out to avoid PTL (it worked- i went to 38w without any problems!).
My ob gave me a note to get disabled parking which i started using around 17w - so i woudln't have to walk too far in and out of buildings all day... esp in the winter in snow/ice - he was very worried about me slipping and falling. That was really helpful- b/c i''m parking all day long -and some of the lots at buildings I go to are HUGE and up hills, etc.
i didn't have more than 45 minutes straight driving - so not sure if you are saying you drive 2 hours straight, etc... most of my driving is short- but it's in and out all day long.
TTC Since 10/08 4 IUIs=BFNx4
IVF#1=BFP!! Twins!!
Bradley and Billy born and lost on 2/2/11 at 19w2d due to pPROM/PTL. I miss you, little angels.
IVF#3=c/p IVF#4=Empty Follicle Syndrome; 1 mature, fertilized, & made it to blast. 5dt of "the lone ranger" on 9/6. Please stick, little one!