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Kapalua:I love you!
Will I see you Sunday? For some love and window licking?...or just love
I freaking love you! And I love the way Owen is looking at you. Wait, I always Owen older or younger? Anyway --- LOVE it!
Joey was Darth Vadar too. Is it bad that I did not take one single picture!
I forgot my camera and we were at Joe's cousin TOT'ing. She did take a group pic so that's all I'm going to have.
Jamaica_Bride: Kapalua:I love you! Will I see you Sunday? For some love and window licking?...or just love
I plan on it! I need to get a load of those ta ta's! wowza!
They are tiny in comparison- just sayin'
Jodi&Joe:Lisa -- are you going Sunday? I could SOOOO use a Lisa hug! For real!
Baby, 95% sure we are!!!! I have a stock pile of hugs for you love!
Re: Obligatory Halloween picture
Will I see you Sunday? For some love and window licking?...or just love
Mum to Owen and Lucas
I freaking love you! And I love the way Owen is looking at you. Wait, I always Owen older or younger? Anyway --- LOVE it!
Joey was Darth Vadar too. Is it bad that I did not take one single picture!
I forgot my camera and we were at Joe's cousin TOT'ing. She did take a group pic so that's all I'm going to have.
Mum to Owen and Lucas
I plan on it! I need to get a load of those ta ta's! wowza!
They are tiny in comparison- just sayin'
Mum to Owen and Lucas
Baby, 95% sure we are!!!! I have a stock pile of hugs for you love!
Mum to Owen and Lucas
{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}