I am one happy mama.
Baby A ( still a girl) was right on the money at 28 weeks. She was 2lbs 10 oz
Baby B ( also still a girl) 28 weeks and 5 days . 2lbs and 12 oz.
The reason I am so happy is because I have only gained 10 lbs - I was convinced they werent growing. Dh was still hoping that u/s tech would find boy parts somewhere.
Re: Todays growth scan...
So funny about your DH!
Congratulations on all the great news. I just had my 23 week GS, do you remember what your weights were around that time.
Mine were 1.4 and 1.5, they said right on track.
Yay, congrats on the good news! We have a growth scan this Friday and I'm nervous, I feel like my belly hasn't gotten that much bigger since our 18 week scan. Hopefully, ours will be on the right track too!