Alabama Babies

PiP: Let's show off our LO's Halloween costumes!

So DD is too young to take trick or treating this year. My mom bought her a ladybug costume so we dressed her up in it to take pictures. She is a chunky baby anyway so seeing her in the padded costume is so funny/cute. 

 I hope everyone is having a fun Halloween :)

 ETA: *imagine cute baby in ladybug costume here (DD'd for privacy)* 

Disclaimer: I have never PiP'ed before so this may not work first try. 

dx PCOS 2008 ~ Miracle baby DD born June 2010
BFP#2: 9/25/11 M/C 6 weeks 5 days (CP) 10/13/11
BFP#3: 12/23/11 Progesterone started 12/29/11 Stick, baby, stick! Pregnancy Ticker

Re: PiP: Let's show off our LO's Halloween costumes!

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