I was looking at the thread about "if your parents had posted here." and I am assuming your name is Ramona?
Do you love that name??? This was my first choice for a girls' name, but my sister and fiance teamed up and said LO wouldn't like it. I love it soooo much!!
Re: *MonaLS*
Ditto..DH isn't a big fan though, he always rolls the R when he says it! haha
I love my name!! Of course it was kinda tough in grades 2-4 when the Ramona & Beezus books were being read (i.e., Ramona Quimby Age 8)..but I love my name. I think it's elegant and timeless. I actually prefer my full name Ramona but people do shorten it to Ramona.
I love it when Spanish people say my name. I grew up in the South and there was a lot of Rayyyymona....I am so glad to be in the Northeast now!