I saw the title of this post and went, "Oh, that chick is gonna get flaaaaaamed." Very glad to see you were posting a horror story instead. Yay for random punctuation in names. I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing ! and ? as part of a name.
I guess technically now I should be SecondBabyMomma
Re: Che'la
I can hear it now
Ch-ch-ch Chel'a pet!
If it's pronounced Shiela, then I'd have to say that it's pretty ick-tackular.
If it didn't have the apostrophe and was pronounced as it appears, then that would be okay. Chela is a common Spanish nickname for Graciela.
This. Also, the name Alicia / Alice.
But, yeah.. "Sheila"??? No. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.