I've been cramping. I'm 12w2d.
It's not painful. It's not regular. It's a low, dull ache (not a sharp pain, so not RLP). It tends to happen after I'm doing things (like playing tag with my kids) but that's not always the case. No bleeding, no dull backache, nothing timeable or painful.
I have a history of PTL ... but. I also know that BH are really common and aren't necessarily a bad thing. I know that your uterus has BH, whether you feel them or not, from 6 weeks on, to practice for the real thing.
My appt is tomorrow and I plan to bring it up with my OB but in the meantime ... this isn't something to REALLY be worried about ... is it?
Re: I have a real 1st tri question. Humor me.
Nope, that's normal and I wouldnt call unless you do start bleeding. I had really bad cramping with DS to the point I was convinced I was miscarrying right around the 12w mark. I had to lay down and take tylenol, and even that didnt help. I called my OB and they said it was normal but to call back if I started bleeding. I ended up going in for an appointment so the dr could ease my mind and I was told my uterus probably hit a growth spurt and was stretching a lot quickly and caused the discomfort.
I wouldnt worry.
I've had a lot of isolated cramps here and there with this pregnancy and I just had an u/s so I know everything is fine. I don't think it's anything to worry about if they are not happening regularly and you're not having any bleeding.
When it happens, try drinking some water and see if that helps.
I wouldn't worry if I were you ... but I would be very glad that I had an appointment the next day to ease my mind.
I wanted to add that I talked to my doctor about it and he said that with a second or third pregnancy (or more) expect more cramping, aches and pains because our bodies expand much faster then they did with previous pregnancies. I didn't cramp at all with my son, but i have had all sorts of different cramps plus early RLP with this pregnancy since the beginning.
Don't stress to much about it!
I had a ton of that right at 12 weeks. It freaked me the fvck out.
I would take it easy today, stay off your feet as much as you can (I know, super easy with two kids on Halloween) and drink a ton of fluids.
And talk to the doctor tomorrow, to be safe. If it gets any stronger, or if you are really worried, I see no reason you can't call the office's answering service and at least talk to the on call doctor. That's their job and why they are there.
I had PTL a few times with DS and my doc warned me that it'll happen about a month earlier than it did with him for this pregnancy (so probably some time in December then) and prepare to SLOW DOWN immensely as in little housework, cut hours at work, etc.
BUT I will say that around 12 wks I started to cramp a ton too. I just am getting over it really. It scared me to death--almost called the doc but realized it wasn't producing blood or anything "worrisome"--so let it run it's course. The doc said that cramping is normal as long as no bleeding occurs. He said it's just part of the "growing pains". Makes sense I guess but still worries us, right?
So you're in good shape I'd say!
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