So we've finally established somewhat of a schedule... both of the boys are sleeping at the same times during the day! I can't believe it...
But, before that, it was hell! I had no time for homework and I was really slacking. Thank goodness we've got things figured out. But honestly, I just feel like I'm being pulled in a million places at once! DH seems to think that I should be able to stay at home with the kids, go to school full time, and have a sparkling clean house. I mean, give me a break here! He doesn't understand that it is hard until we are out with friends or when his family is occasionally in town (our families live 15 hours away, yes... we do it all on our own!) and they praise me for being able to do it all. Our house is by no means spotless... I'll clean up before someone comes over but if you stop over unexpected it's a hot mess.
Anyway, here is my point (sorry I got a little out of control up there). DH works nights, and goes in to work at about 3:30 5 days a week. He's home with the boys the 2 days that I am at school (3 hours... whoop de doo!). Well, I've realized that the reason I haven't been able to keep up on my homework is because I just get too distracted at home. DH will get frustrated and hand DS2 to me, or want to play xbox or says DS2 is hungry (when I know he isn't). Don't get me wrong, he's a great father and helps out a lot when he is home, but he just thinks that when I am on my computer, I'm on the bump or facebook or something. I'm going to school for advertising and graphic design... ALL of my homework is on the computer! So he complains that I'm on my computer all the time and bla de bla de bla... but at the same time he complains because we still live down here and can't move back north (we moved down here for me to go to school, and obviously can't move until I graduate in march 2012). I've decided that I need to physically go into the school for about 2 hours a day during the week and just solely work on homework, and it's really been working! I've been getting so much more done. But now DH is complaining about never seeing me because I've been going into the school for homework, and he "doesn't understand how I can't get work done at home."
So this has turned into more of a vent than I originally had planned, but is anyone else going to school? Having issues somewhat like this? I need some advice here... should I just tell DH to suck it up?
Re: Any 2u2 mommies in school too? Or am I the only crazy one?
Your Dh can't have his cake and eat it too. If he wants to move, then you need to graduate. which means you need to study and pass your classes. Tell him you need more support, I wouldnt be able to get homework done at home either.
Im sure he's a great dad, but he sounds like he's not being understanding. You have a 1 month old as well as a toddler and life is hectic. I applaud you for going to school, but I think you need more help.
I am alone for 3 wks straight when my Dh is at work. My sister just moved closer to us (shes 35 mins away) but she has 3 kids and a hectic life too. We have no other family here, they are all 10-13 hours away. Basically I am a single mom for 21 days straight 24/7 with no help. As nice as it is to hear people say how they can't beleive I am doing this alone, and how I must be super mom (totally not), in the end I am not getting a medal for doing it all on my own and being stressed. It took a lot for me to admit I needed help. We just decided to hire a monthly cleaning service and a babysitter 2-3 hours a week for my sanity. Dh realizes that to me a good mom and role model, and to be a happy lady I need some help since he's gone.
My point is, don't run yourself ragged. Talk to your DH and figure out what you need to help your situation. You are doing a great job, but you need help...we all do.
I am in nurse practitioner school online and have 2u2. It is very hard to keep up with assignments but fortunately my DH encourages me to take time to do what I need. I wanted to drop my classes shortly after #2 arrived b/c I was drowning in work but my DH is my support system and kept pushing me forward.
Not really sure what to tell you.