Stay at Home Moms

Who is hosting Thanksgiving at your house?

And if you are, is anyone upset about the change in tradition?

Re: Who is hosting Thanksgiving at your house?

  • I am.  None of our family live in the area, so we rotate every 3 years between DHs family, my family and here.  I like to throw in our home as an option because it is nice to have a break from traveling and also because I love to cook and making TG dinner is my favorite. 

    This year we are going to have a misfits TG with several local friends who also don't want to travel and don't have family in the area.  It should be a blast. 

    Lilypie - (ZESJ)Lilypie - (QAi1)

  • I have always hosted. I am one of the only people in my family that can cook. I don't mind- I actually prefer and really enjoy it. I am one of the ones that will set the table the night before with pressen linens and name cards and get all my dishes out before hand and figure out where everything is going on the table- and then take pictures of my table lol.

    This year DH is probably working Thanksgiving- so our dinner will probably be later than usual. Sigh-

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     I am one of the ones that will set the table the night before with pressen linens and name cards and get all my dishes out before hand and figure out where everything is going on the table- and then take pictures of my table lol.

    We do this, but I have to admit it is all DH on this front.  ::blushes::   My hubby likes to decorate. :)

    Lilypie - (ZESJ)Lilypie - (QAi1)

  • MIL is hosting.  DH has 6 brothers and sisters and they all have a gaggle of kids - I have no interest in EVER hosting for anyone but our immediate family!
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  • My parents.  It's our year to travel to see them.  Even though dinner is at their house, we still help with cooking.  It's a pretty laid back affair really.
    DD1 - 12.25.05
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  • I want to host. My house is big enough, but don't think it will happen. At least not for a few years. This will sound bad, but it's not, but no changes will be made until my grandma passes. She likes her tradition. 

    Dinner is at my mom and dad's. 

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I almost always host. Everything. But we've got a big house and that's what I do best is entertain. Sometimes I'd really love a break, but I also love it.  This year though, we'll be going out of town to my moms and she still has me doing all the cooking/baking aside from the classics she'll do. This will still be a nice break after the massive birthday I have planned for Lennon in a couple of weeks. But Christmas will be here.
    Kevin & Traci May 11, 2006 Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Photobucket
  • We are. No one has a problem with it.
  • Thanksgiving is an issue this year for us. We live 5 hours from my family and MIL and 3 hours from FIL and SMIL. We have made several extra trips to our families recently and are making 2 trips in December so we decided we would stay home for Thanksgiving this year. We told everyone they are all welcome to drive to us but we do not want to drive. Not only are DH and I tired of the drive but the kids can only handle so much and it is expensive in gas and eating out. FIL offered to pay for our gas but we really just don't want to go anywhere and are really looking forward to just being home.

    Neither of our families really have Thanksgiving traditions so we did not think it would be a big deal but apparently it is a big deal(to DH's family).

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • We are hosting, but it is based on geography. We invite a few newlywed couples over who are away from home, and make dinner for them.

    Helps them get used to the military family world. :-)

  • I am! Really there wasn't a tradition before though, so MIL is very thankful not to have to do any work anymore.
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  • We started hosting five years ago, when my H offered. The first year he cooked dinner AT my parents house. That was a huge clusterf--k so the next year we hosted at our small townhouse. Last year, when we had moved into our first house we hosted a really bigger Thanksgiving dinner- with 14. This year I think we're out 14 again, a few different people but mainly both my MIL & my mom happily gave up cooking after so many years of hosting it at their respective places.  I don't know if DH loves cooking, but he loves the props afterwards.
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  • JCMJCM member
    We are hosting.  It was a tradition to go to my Step Aunts but she lived over an hour away.  I told my mom the year before last (when I was pg with DD) that it would be the last time DH & I went.  She has now moved to Houston so it all worked out.  Last year we went to a really nice restaurant but this year my DH's brother and his girlfriend are coming to visit from England & he wants to show them what a traditional Thanksgiving it like so we will have them, my mom & stepfather & 1 set of my grandparents for at our house for dinner. 
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  • Not us, we hosted our first year of marriage but with the baby being so new still I just don't have the energy. We are lucky that our parents live only 15 minutes away from each other. So we will be having dinner at my inlaws and dessert with my family. (we used to rotate for the 4 years we were dating)

    Not sure what the future will hold, I'm sure I will start hosting in the next couple years.

  • Not us, even though I was planning on it if my in-laws came to town. They're not, so either we will go to my mom's or my dad/stepmom's house. I have been bouncing between the two for 18 years, but there isn't really any rhyme or reason to the dinner I end up going to.

    Next year I plan on hosting, since our DS will be older and I want to start my own family traditions.

    DS 09.11.10
  • I would love to host it but my house is too small. We are going to my parents house which is really big soo the kids run around all day. I help cook there and can't wait for the day to be able to host it at my home. We decided to host a Christmas Eve dinner party at our home this year though with just my parents and neice and nephews (they live with my parents.)
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  • We don't host any holidays. Part of me doesn't care, I'm fine with it.  But when relatives start talking about how us "younger ones" should start taking over and then proceed to decline every single time I offer/insist, that irritates me.

    Let me do it or quit your b*tching.

    DD#1~8/17/96------DS~10/24/05 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We started last year and received "everything entertaining" we had registered for from P.Chef 3 years it seems that my ILs are all not only okay with it, but happy.  For whatever reason BIL's family never host and I think MIL appreciates a holiday she can show up to and visit.






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  • I will never be allowed to break DH's family tradition for Thanksgiving.  It is a huge affair and we will be doing it FOREVER.  It includes over 50 people and it is just nuts.  We didn't make it last year because I was 39 weeks pregnant and it is 4 hours away.  We still are getting guilt trips about not going.

    However we do Thanksgiving 2.0 at our house.  Which is a very laid back brunch the Saturday after Thanksgiving for my family and a few of our close friends.  We make some kind of fun brunch food and play games.  Lots of fun.

    Charlotte 12.3.09
    Madeline 6.24.11
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