
Another Help question......

I have 3 week old B/G twins.... They are having horrible crying spells. I normally bf but I have been giving a bottle once a night and it doesn't seem to matter. They can cry non-stop for up to 20 mintues or more at a time. I don't know what to do because some nights/days I am up all night long. I am completely tired and feel like I am not going to be able to function anymore. I have a 17 month old and thank goodness she has been great but I think there crying is wearing on her also. Is there anthing I can do to help with their gas issues??? I looked back and didn't see any other posts about this. Please let me know what you have tried. I don't know how much longer I can take it before I have complete meltdiwn. TIA    Sad

Re: Another Help question......

  • Mylicon gas drops = LIFE SAVER.  My pedi said it was ok to use and I started using them just before 1 month old on DS.  We bought the generic Target brand, exact same stuff but about $8 per bottle cheaper which was good because he was so bad we had to give it at every feeding for a while!  It helped SO MUCH!  Are you able to get good burps out?  Sometimes I had to move DS around, lay him down, sit him back up, and pat his back pretty hard to get him to burp, but it really is important to get that air bubble out or things get ugly.  You can also lay them on your lap, and move their knees/legs towards their belly, up and down or in a motion like they are riding a bike.  Helps to work the gas out.
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  • ask your pedi about possible reflux issues.  The first month, my twin girls cried every waking moment until we tried zantac for silent reflux.    Sorry you're going through this - I know how bad it is! 
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  • We had two VERY gassy newborns (who also had reflux diagnosed around 2m and they started on Zantac) so I can understand how you feel! Ditto trying Mylicon drops. Some people swear by gripe water. Another thing that helps is to have the baby lie on his back and bicycle his legs, or do a massage in a serpentine pattern from his chest down his abdomen.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • My fussy boy was reflux and the wrong formula after I stopped BFing.  He got medicine and sensitive formula and we are all so much happier! GL
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