I'm curious because it seems like an awfully long name to say in full every time, but it doesn't have any obvious NNs to me. Name Berry listed some, like Seb and Bast and Bastian, but they just seem so unnatural.
I just need to put it on the record that I HATE this name. I don't know why honestly, I just do. Maybe its because of the little boy I know named it? I dunno because he really isn't all that bad. lol
I don't mind Sebby or Seba (c-bah), but I loathe Bastian. My neighbor's kid is Sebastian (he's 4) and his mother insists everyone call him Bastian. It's effing annoying because it's so unnatural!!
Plus, I just don't care for the family, so all the names of their members are icky to me.
No one else thinks of the Little Mermaid with this name???
"Under the sea, under the sea...darling it's better down where it's wetter take it from me...la la la la "
Lol. I used to, but I got used to it. It was really funny that in my brother's group of friends there was also a girl named Ariel, so they had the mermaid and the crab.
If we use Sebastian (it is on our list) we will use the full name. I do not like the NNs and the name is only 3 syllables, which is quite common: Christina, Elizabeth, Damian, Jeremy, etc.
My BIL is Sebastian - we call him by his full name, or more commonly just Sebas ("SeaBass"). At his destination wedding, the steel drum player DID play Under the Sea...we love it!
Don't know anyone IRL with Sebastian, but love the name.
Would use it withouth a NN.
TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages.
Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011.
I am surprised at all the "I don't know any IRL" responses. This is one of the hot names in my neighborhood. I know 3 little boys around here named Sebastian, all approximately DD's age.
I love Sebastian but hate the NNs. The name is not abnormally long so I would just not use one. My sister and I both have three syllable names and never once in our lives went by a NN.
Re: Parents of a Sebastian/People who know someone named Sebastian....
Baby Name Popularity by State
I just need to put it on the record that I HATE this name. I don't know why honestly, I just do. Maybe its because of the little boy I know named it? I dunno because he really isn't all that bad. lol
They call him Bashy. Maybe that is why I hate it?
I know a Sebastian that goes by Seb.
Kind of feel the same way about this name...I like it but don't like any of the NNs.
BFP #2 ~ 4/22/2010 ~ EDD 12/29/2010 ~ Born 12/19/2010 ~ My Rainbow Baby
BFP #3 ~ 6/10/2012 ~ EDD 2/20/2013 ~ HB 100bpm @ 9w3d ~ M/C 7/11/2012
BFP #4 ~ 3/16/2013 ~ EDD 11/20/2013 ~ Born 11/17/2013 ~ Rainbow Baby #2
I know two. One is about four and his mother is absolutely adamant that he should be called nothing but Sebastian. I don't find it awkward, honestly.
The other is twelve or thirteen and he goes (by his choice) by Sebby.
LOL. All I can think of is Dumb and Dumber when I read that: "Kick his ass, Sea Bass!"
We're considering it, but the more I hear the NNs, the more I think it'll be restricted to MN territory....
One of my students goes by this...
I don't mind Sebby or Seba (c-bah), but I loathe Bastian. My neighbor's kid is Sebastian (he's 4) and his mother insists everyone call him Bastian. It's effing annoying because it's so unnatural!!
Plus, I just don't care for the family, so all the names of their members are icky to me.
The one I know just goes by Sebastian. I think his parents call him mister or buster or something like that for a nn. But usually just Sebastian.
ETA: He's 7
I only know one Sebastian (from high school) and we called him Sea-Bass. (C-Bass? Sebass? lol I never really spelled it out).
I like the name Sebastian, but I really don't like any of the potential nicknames.
No one else thinks of the Little Mermaid with this name???
"Under the sea, under the sea...darling it's better down where it's wetter take it from me...la la la la "
Lol. I used to, but I got used to it. It was really funny that in my brother's group of friends there was also a girl named Ariel, so they had the mermaid and the crab.
I know a little boy who goes by Bash.
If we use Sebastian (it is on our list) we will use the full name. I do not like the NNs and the name is only 3 syllables, which is quite common: Christina, Elizabeth, Damian, Jeremy, etc.
More Green For Less Green
This is what I think! I don't know any in real life...
My BIL is Sebastian - we call him by his full name, or more commonly just Sebas ("SeaBass"). At his destination wedding, the steel drum player DID play Under the Sea...we love it!
Caitlin 4.17.11 Madeline 10.20.13
Don't know anyone IRL with Sebastian, but love the name.
Would use it withouth a NN.
bfp 1 - m/c 1.31.11 @ 10 weeks
bfp 2 - baby born via c-section on 5.4.12 @ 37 weeks
bfp 3 - blighted ovum/d&c on 4.13.13 @ 8 weeks
bfp 4 - 3rd IUI, very late BFN with super low P, c/p
bfp 5 - natural bfp while on lupron, baby born via RCS on 4.27.15 @ 39 weeks
bfp 6 - surprise! baby born via RCS on 11.13.16 @ 38 weeks
Late to the party, but...
This name is on my list, with Ian as a NN. Ian is pretty normal sounding, but I like Sebastian as the full name for adult use if he wanted.