
How Much?

Hi guys!! I am going to be a new mom in March and I never come on this board, so sorry if its a repeat post! I figured it would be a general enough board to answer my question!

 My FI and I are trying to assess the cost of a child to get it going in the budget. I have no clue how much or how many diapers to figure out per month, formula if BF doesnt go as planned, or any other extras that happen that are hard to for see because I dont know what to expect. 

 I would appreciate any information you can give me! My degree is in financial planning, and I am extremely type A when it comes to finances. :-)

Re: How Much?

  • I nursed, so didn't have the formula issue.

    I probably spent about $50 a month in diapers.

    I am a shopalholic and spent about $300 a month on clothes and crap for her

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • imageRebekah1021:

    I nursed, so didn't have the formula issue.

    I probably spent about $50 a month in diapers.

    I am a shopalholic and spent about $300 a month on clothes and crap for her


    I like your honesty!! :-D

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  • I would find any excuse in the world to buy something for her. It's still the same.

    Seriously though, plan on extra money for random things that you "have" to have for the baby.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I BF'd, but still needed to buy a pump ($300), storage bags ($12/box?), and bottles.

    Diapers were about $40-50 per month. I bought about 1 package a month after the initial newborn phase.

    I bought most of DS's clothes at places like Kohl's and nothing ever for full price. DD's clothes have been almost all hand-me-downs, so I have spent minimal money there.

    I had to buy my car seats, since I didn't get them as gifts, and I splurged on a video monitor. I was able to save for these things as I went along. I did get a ton of gifts, though. Before delivery, right after, and even a few months after.

    Once baby was on solids, I went the organic route with jarred foods, but that cost was only a few dollars/day since I still mostly BF'd.

    Daycare is the largest expense - we spent $285/week on daycare for an infant.

    Hope that helps!

  • I don't remember a lot of this stuff, broken down by month, anyway.  I bet if you asked on the 0-3 months or even 3-6 months board, those girls would have a much better idea.  There may even be some other threads there recently posted that they could link up for you.  hth!
  • Actually, I WILL answer your question. I spend on average $50 or so a month on diapers. I get them at Costco. If you have them, or a Sam's Club, they tend to have decent prices.

    I BF, but my friend formula feeds, and said in the beginning it was close to $100 per month on formula. I think this varies a LOT though depending on the type of formula you buy.


  • I'm sorry you feel like you're not getting enough or helpful responses-this is just such a hard question to answer.  It's so variable-what one person views as essential is totally different from another.  Essentials vary a lot in price.  It's just really hard to pinpoint (that and I'm about as opposite of type A that there is-I keep track of nothing.  Is there a type Z?  yeah-that's me)
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • I nursed and I don't remember exact costs but you should check out the Amazon Mom subscribe & save feature for recurring baby expenses.  I save a ton of money using that and I get free prime shipping (just in time for the holidays) as long as I buy diapers every month.  My littlest one won't be two until February so she'll be in diapers for quite a while and we're having our third in about 10 days.  So I have two in diapers and using wipes, the Amazon thing is great.

    If you do nurse/work, the storage bags can be expensive too.  Also, nursing pads for as long as your breasts leak (every woman is different).

    Good luck! 

  • I EBF until about 8-9 months, then I supplemented.  I have bought about 3 formula cans at 20 each in the last couple of months.

    I buy diaper boxes.  Sometimes from Target ($30 for 110) that lasted about 3 weeks.   Other times I buy them from Sam (37) for like 140...lasts a month??

    For each kid, we got enough diaper bags that we didn't have to buy any for about 2-3 months. 

    baby food is about 2 for a dollar.   In th beginning they only eat one at a meal, my son is up to 4 a day.

    I too like to shop but probably only spend about 200 for all three kids a month in clothes...

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Also, make your subject for posts more interesting.  Just putting "how much?" in the subject field isn't going to attract a lot of attention on a board that loves to be entertained.  
  • Ooohh, Great tips! Thanks ladies! I really appreciate it :-)

    Your type Z comment had me giggling cus thats my sister! We are complete opposites :-)

  • imagePiperBride:
    Also, make your subject for posts more interesting.  Just putting "how much?" in the subject field isn't going to attract a lot of attention on a board that loves to be entertained.  

    Yeah, if you had put "Attention Hoars and Sloares" or "I'm about to be an AW!!!!!!!!" or "OMG u Guys LOLZ" you probably would have received a lot more attention on this board.

  • Not only is it a hard question to answer because of all the different variables - but honestly, I don't remember.  That time seems so long ago and is a blur, finance-wise at least.

    Our formula and medicine was covered under insurance.  Most of his clothes were (are still) handmedowns.  He went into daycare at 12 wks that was $300/wk for 3 full days.  Thats about all I remember. 


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • Also, you can go to Enfamiil and and register to get free samples of formula in the mail. They'll send you different types and it's nice to have those on hand in case you need to experiment with different types of formula to find out which one works for your baby.
  • image*TrueDat*:

    Also, make your subject for posts more interesting.  Just putting "how much?" in the subject field isn't going to attract a lot of attention on a board that loves to be entertained.  

    Yeah, if you had put "Attention Hoars and Sloares" or "I'm about to be an AW!!!!!!!!" or "OMG u Guys LOLZ" you probably would have received a lot more attention on this board. sure are sore about something

    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • ok, from a cloth diapering mommy-

    i spent

    $120 on diapers (i got 30 pocket diapers and 30 inserts for them)

    $5 on cloth wipes (5 packs of baby wash rags from the dollar tree)

    $8 on a wet bag for the diapers

    $100 a month on formula (i nursed, but the baby i watch is on formula)

    $10 or less a month on soaps, lotions, creams, etc

    as far as the big stuff goes- i think we have spent less than $1000 total on BOTH kids- we got a double stroller in new condition from a consignment sale, i buy second hand clothes and get hand me downs, and buy all my big equipment (bouncers, saucers, etc) at consignment sales and shops

  • I don't remember any of the money #'s, I board that might be REALLY  helpful with this is Money Matters on the Nest.  Congrats!
    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
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