Stay at Home Moms

S/O Being Sexy for Husband

How bad is it that I just don't really care and don't see myself caring for probably another year?

I mean.  Being sexy is what got me into this mess. ;)

Seriously, though, I just don't have the time, the energy, the support, and most importantly, the motivation.  I'm not saying we don't have sex, but I am constantly in yoga pants and wear makeup maybe once a week - Used to wear it EVERYday and wouldn't dare think to leave the house without it.

Seriously.  There's no time.  When I get a nap, I grab a shower and blowdry my hair.  Or work on "work" stuff.  Or clean up after myself and husband - Both of which tend to be slobs.

My husband loves me, tells me I'm sexy when I apologize for looking like crap, no complaints with him in that department.  I just genuinely feel bad sometimes that I don't make the effort.  I just don't know HOW to even begin making the effort.  And, honestly, if I do get makeup done and cute clothes on - By the time he's home, I'm ragged.  I've got drool, tears or spit-up on my blouse, my makeup is half-gone from... sweating, I guess? I have no idea.  It just doesn't work. 

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Re: S/O Being Sexy for Husband

  • imageMamatoJackson:

      Being sexy is what got me into this mess. ;)

    haha I tell my DH that all the time!

  • I have not been sexy for a very long time and probably won't be for another year or so...honestly, I don't care either...
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  • I admit I tried dressing up for my H and make it sexy. Well I thought Id dress up right before he came home from work and the baby would be asleep (no mess right?) Yea not even close. H was late and DD woke up to be fed. I was still clean (no spit up) but she wanted to play so H did tummy time with her and I lost interest. I told H I was done trying to dress up and being sexy and that he had to come up with something. Like thats gonna happen.
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  • See, I hate being a hot mess!  hate it....I used to get dressed and done up everyday to go to work...

    Now I do WAH 4 hours a day (but I consider myself a SAHM) while taking care of the baby and the house.  There is just no TIME to get ready--like to spend an hour on haor and make up is silly when there is so mcuh else to do.

    But I hate looking and feeling so frumpy all the time!

  • It was a slow process, and it began when I started to workout at the gym...I got the endorphins working.  Then I started to loose weight, that made me feel even sexier.

    And now, even though sometimes I may not feel "perfect", I force myself to put my makeup on and fresh pair of clothes on every morning so I could "feel" pretty.  Its more for myself than for my husband, and if he thinks I look pretty then its an added benefit :)

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  • If DH is telling you're sexy when you think you look like crap, maybe it would be easier to just brush your hair, shave your legs and brush your teeth. ;-) His idea of sexy may be completely different than yours, and require a lot less work. just a thought. but i do hear that men are really into shaved legs, LOL! :-D Seriously, I would dig into what his idea of sexy is. And remember, everyone looks good in the dark!
  • Forget doing it for DH, do it for you.

    I make myself get dolled up everyday. I feel so much better about myself and feel confident, when is then sexy to DH.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I kind of take being a stay-at-home mom as being a job I need to prepare for every day.  Maybe I'm in this mindset because I worked so long...and maybe I'm half-excited to wear all the clothes in my closet I wasn't able to due to our dress code at work.  I dunno.  But I take a shower and blow dry my hair each night after the kids are put to bed.  I put on eye make-up and lip gloss.  If DH is home, he may get some :-P  Then in the morning I put my hair up, touch up the eyes, and add foundation, blush, lips, ect.  That takes about 5 minutes.  I put on a cute-ish outfit every day.  No sweats or anything like that for me.  I really take pride in my appearance and really like getting dressed up and putting on an outfit.  Today I've got on jeans and boots, a long-sleeve fitted v-neck and a black cardigan.  I always wear earrings.  The total time to get ready probably takes 15 minutes (with the make-up).  I do this while DS#1 plays and after DS#2 has been fed and hangs out in the bouncy seat.  I'm lucky that they can entertain themselves for awhile.  DS#1 wants LOTS of attention, but he knows to leave me alone while I'm getting doesn't seem to bother him at all.  I know this will get more difficult when #2 gets mobile. 
    Adrian 7.6.07 - ADHD, Disruptive Behavior Disorder, Learning Disability-NOS
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  • You have a very darn good excuse with being pregnant and having to take care of an 8 month old. All bets are off for sexiness in this case if you ask me. The fact that you still have sex is somewhat of an accomplishment. 
  • DH, God bless him, thinks I'm hot in holey sweatpants -- but I don't.  What helped me was that I bought all new matching underwear and bras from Soma.  I wear them under my holey sweatpants and I feel as hot as he thinks I am.

    SAHM to DD1 (7), DS (5) and DD2 (1)
  • I feel like a complete frump 80% of the time too.  I know it's terrible because I should want to look good not only for my husband, but for me.  Yet I just keep thinking "what's the point.  It takes too long," and spend that time doing other things that need to get done.  It's hard learning how to make yourself a priority again when you're constantly devoting your time and energy to others.

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    Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,and He shall direct your paths.
    Proverbs 3:5-6

  • Unless I know I will only be home and cleaning the bathroom and kitchen all day or something, I try to make my hair presentable (squeeze a shower in if I can) and get dressed, wether or not I put on anything more than my bare minerals and mascara or not.

    If I feel like I'm a sig slob, then it shows, and I spent enough time after my pregnancy fighting with the way my body looked like to let it get to me now.

    You can always change just before DH gets home- that way you feel better when he gets home. It's kind of that 50's thing to get the kids clean and yourself gussied up before the husband gets home, but you deserve to feel pretty whern he is ho,me, not have to feel like apologizing for caring for a child all day!

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