After dinner we often play for awhile. I try to get them to run around awhile, chase me, etc but DH doesn't think this is such a good idea. He's trying to calm them down for bed. Usually we finish dinner around 6:45 or 7 and beditme is at 8. Around 7:30 we start getting jammies on, read books and calm down.
I think it helps them burn off some energy. For example, right now Max is still in his crib singing and we put him up there about 50 mins ago. There wasn't much chasing around after dinner.
Random thoughts but I wondered what others' nights are like.
Re: Do you rile your kids up at night?
This! It drives me insane sometimes but he gets home so late and they are just excited to see him...
I used to until just this past week. They were going to sleep every.single.night between 10:30 and 11:00pm. I felt like I was getting no time to myself and that I was constantly with the kids.
DH ended up working late every night this week (tonight was the first night that he was home before bedtime) so I got us into a new routine (tonight was night 4) and they were in bed and SLEEPING by 8:45. I've already seen a big difference during the day with their behavior.
So now what we do is they get to watch tv while I'm making dinner. Once dinner is on the table tv is off for the night. (For them anyway- DH and I turn the tv on after everyone is sleeping). We eat dinner, clean up dinner. Tonight I introduced "chores". One of the twins will wipe off the table and the other one will use a dirt devil to vaccuum under the table. They think this is wonderful and I get to get the dishes done without them making a mess and/or under my feet.
Sundays/Tuesdays/Thursdays are bath nights. I try and get them in the tub by 7 so that I can get them out by 7:30 and then we get pajamed up, Morgan gets her hair blow dried and then we read 2 stories and they get in their beds. If it's not a bath night then we will come downstairs into the playroom (their time is limited down here during the day) and they can play with some of the "quieter" toys. Then around 7:30 we go back upstairs, and get pajamas on, read 2 stories and then bed.
Some people find that getting all the energy out before bed works for them and some people find it has the opposite effect. I think it depends on the family and if it works for YOUR family then there is nothing wrong with that- I've just found that it doesn't work my ours.
This is the way it was happening in our house until I put my foot down. Now, the "rile up" time has to happen before bath, or before 7 PM on non-bath nights. The bedtime routine is calming enough to wind the kids down. If not, we add in another book.