Cloth Diapering

Do I need NB diapers?

I'm pregnant with number two and I have all OS diapers right now.  I have mostly BG's 3.0 but also some FB and GM.  I have prefolds but rarely used them with DD #1.  She started fitting BG's at 1 month and before then I just used disposables.  WWYD?  Would you buy some nb diapers? and if so, recommend the most economical besides prefolds.



Re: Do I need NB diapers?

  • See if you can buy used KL0s.  They seem to be the best at resale value if you want to sell off your NB stash.  Those and a few thirsties covers would be the most economical IMHO.
  • Yeah, the KL 0s are really a good diaper.  My 4.5 month old is still in them.
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