Daycare called a bit ago to tell me that Nora fell and split her chin open. The director said she's taking it well, but that it probably needs to be looked at by a doctor. Since I'm in DC, DH is the only one able to get to pick her up within a reasonable amount of time. He called the pedi, who said they don't do stitches, so he has to take her to the ER. Two weeks shy of her first birthday and she'll have 2 ER trips under her belt!
I know this is minor and she'll be fine, but I feel so helpless being trapped here in DC; I just want to run out the door and get to her. The earliest bus I can take leaves at 3:20 and I'll be on it.
Re: My baby has to go to the ER!
Oh no! I hope everything is okay.
That sucks that you can't be there - but she'll do fine with DH (maybe even better!) and you'll see her soon! Hang in there until your bus.
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
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I'm sorry that sucks.
(you could always take the Penn line or Metro to Greenbelt and then take a cab)
I had to have my parents pick me up from the Metro in MoCo one time and drive me back to my car in Laurel to get DD when she was sick and DH was OOT. These longass commutes really suck sometimes.
Oh no! I am so sorry. I would hate being stuck somewhere too! I hope that you are on your way to securing a seat on siad bus right now.
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!
Aww - it's great that your DH was able to go and get her. I hope that the ER doesn't take too long and that she does well.
E. split her chin and the pedi used dermabond to close the wound. It was scary and I felt awful because she fell under my watch- running in the living room, but she did great (though it did take me, DH, a nurse and a student nurse to hold her down while the doc applied the glue) and there is no scar. Also the doctor her glued her chin has 4 kids and told me that 3 of his 4 kids have all fallen and busted their chins open.
I read this post after I replied- the glue gets a little filthy looking, but it really works. when they peeled E's off it was just a small red mark- now I can hardly find it.
I am glad Nora is okay. Sorry you had such a stress filled afternoon
Wow - glad she's ok. I don't look forward to things like that happening to Sydney,although I'm sure they will.