Cloth Diapering

another Kissaluvs fitted Q and intro

Hi all, I am a newbie on this board.  My son is almost 3 we started cloth late with him and only PT due to daycare.  I am due again in April and want to start off right away.  I am thinking of the Kissaluvs 0 with thirstied duowraps size 1...thoughts?

Anyone know about how long the 2.0s have been out, I am wondering if those that have found them to not be so absorbent have the original versions or the 2.0s... has anyone tried both, is there a big difference?  TIA!

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Re: another Kissaluvs fitted Q and intro

  • I think that's a good system.  It's part of what we used for DD.

    As far as the versions, I had both and I couldn't tell the difference.

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