My girls are 5 months old and STTN, 7pm - 7am so I cannot really complain. However they need naps every 2 hours during the day and the only way I can get them to sleep lately has been to take them for a walk or a ride. Both of which are bad habits I don't want to get them used to.
I tried their crib, the bouncy chair, etc, and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. This used to be easier when they were younger. Does anyone have any sleeping/nap tricks for multiples they can share. It is extrememly difficult when I don't have help and I run from room to room to try to comfort the baby.
Re: How do you get them to nap at the same time??
Mine don't always nap at the same time with each nap. Typically, during their morning nap, they will both go down at the same time, but sleep for different lengths depending on how the night went. This is where I can usually get them on the same page sleep wise.
After their 11:30 bottle, I just pay really close attention for drowsey cues, and lay them down as soon as I see it. Sometimes one will be sleepy, and the other awake, so I lay down the sleepy one, then make the environment quiet and maybe even darker for the other. Usually she starts simmering down within about a half hour and I lay her down when she starts acting drowsy. They sometimes take a 3rd nap, but I don't try to force the issue. If they fall asleep before 4:30, I'll put them in their cribs, but if it's after that I'll let them just snooze where they are, until 5:30 max. This keeps us on track for a 7:30 bedtime.
As far as routine goes, we do the same as bedtime: sound machine, shades pulled, cover with a blanket and tuck them in, give them their pacis and soothies, and let them be. Sometimes they will fuss, and I'll just let them do their thing and give them the opportunity to soothe themselves, but if they are openly crying, I'll go in and tuck them back in, give them their pacis, pat them on the back, etc, but not pick them up. If one is openly crying, I'll take her out and try to soothe her, keeping things mellow, and trying to not engage her as much as possible. Basically I just try to make it a different environment than 'play time'. If she gets sleepy I'll lay her back down, but sometimes it just amounts to a missed nap, but she'll usually make up for it later on.
BFP #2 10/13/2009 on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
Discovered TWINS during the 6w u/s - what a shocker!
Delivered on 5/19/2010 at 34 weeks due to pre-e and HELLP syndrome
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